Man, it's almost making me uncomfortable how much I relate to Mohar... Almost. I am what I am, the only thing I could possibly be, and I wholeheartedly embrace that. I can't not.
Thou shalt not have others of the same Legendary before me Thou shalt not frame images with the modern card face Thou shalt not change rules in vain Remember the Reserved List to keep it holy Honor thy Slivers and the symmetry of their abilities Thou shalt not kill mana burn Thou shalt not sacrifice depth for accessibility Thou shalt not steal combat damage from the stack Thou shalt tell a story through thy cards All must be one
In the Amonkhet bonus story, Ketramose reports being Oketra's son (almost certainly in the same way that, in the Dragon Age series, the Elven gods have siblings and children, which is to say, they don't quite). He also wields Oketra's bow.
According to Episode 1:
The female Kaladeshi Avishkari heretic researcher and implied nascent planeswalker Ishikari Bindra is the creator of the Aetherspark (and may have died activating it for the first time)
Speeding tickets are and were issued on Avishkar
Sita "Spitfire" Varma is one of the Avishkar team's premier racers, and she's been keeping up a jargon-loving, implied superhuman persona
Winter is taking instructions from what is implied to be the Speed Demon (or a demon aligned with that one) from a TV
Mohar Varma, traditionalist politician with slight progressive tendencies (the only such tendency for certain is his desire for equal education of the genders), meets who are strongly implied to be Jace and Vraska, and Jace promises to help Mohar get Avishkar back to having a Consulate and its older traditional cultural climate returned
Winter is seen separately from Jace and Vraska, tending (cruelly) to (what is strongly implied to be) Loot at the start of the race - Chandra decides to make Loot's cage a little less cruel
This means that Jace and Vraska escaped House Duskmourn without Loot, and Valgavoth indeed captured Winter back then
Duskmourn's Speed Demons are currently in first place, with the Avishkar team in second, but will things stay that way?
Gonti approved the construction of at least one race-viewing platform out of flimsier but cheaper copper instead of steel (the Aetherborn apparently tends to unconditionally accept platform construction details, possibly without malice but also without foresight) - said platform collapses at the start of the race
Race tactics in Avishkar are consistently dirty: goblins shot out cannons to slice out tires back then, hooks-on-chains and grabs and more cannons and communications jamming and zombie hippos now
This story was more of a drag to read than it had to be because there were 3 main characters whose names started with M, two of which were nearly identical save for two letters, and then the author found it a good idea to add a secondary character that also started with M. Writers, please.
Otherwise it was neat to see Amonkhet again, although truth be told we hadn't seen much. Also was Temmet returned to life proper, or returned as a mummy?
Also, this has less to do with the story and more with the glimpses we got at the art, but I'm not a fan of "opening" the bandages for the mummies that are now proper citizens of Amonkhet. First, mummies don't look like living people under the linen, even if embalmed, and second it kind of just removes the 'supernatural' part of it? It turns the mummies into a Halloween costume.
Also also, idle musing time: Given Amonkhet's infrastructure centered around training via trials and mummy mentors, I wish Amonkhet/Naktamun had become a semi-'rival' of Strixhaven, becoming an academy, possibly more focused on martial arts and "practical" (as opposed to purely academic) topics.
Main story:
As always, there's not really much to say for the main story. Cars go fast I guess.
Looking forward to Chandra getting disqualified for attempted sabotage of a rival team's equipment.
Was Vin a homunculus? I don't think there were any on Avishkar before. Wonder what's up with that and with the Loxodon we keep seeing everywhere.
This story was more of a drag to read than it had to be because there were 3 main characters whose names started with M, two of which were nearly identical save for two letters, and then the author found it a good idea to add a secondary character that also started with M. Writers, please.
Otherwise it was neat to see Amonkhet again, although truth be told we hadn't seen much. Also was Temmet returned to life proper, or returned as a mummy?
Also, this has less to do with the story and more with the glimpses we got at the art, but I'm not a fan of "opening" the bandages for the mummies that are now proper citizens of Amonkhet. First, mummies don't look like living people under the linen, even if embalmed, and second it kind of just removes the 'supernatural' part of it? It turns the mummies into a Halloween costume.
Also also, idle musing time: Given Amonkhet's infrastructure centered around training via trials and mummy mentors, I wish Amonkhet/Naktamun had become a semi-'rival' of Strixhaven, becoming an academy, possibly more focused on martial arts and "practical" (as opposed to purely academic) topics.
Main story:
As always, there's not really much to say for the main story. Cars go fast I guess.
Looking forward to Chandra getting disqualified for attempted sabotage of a rival team's equipment.
Was Vin a homunculus? I don't think there were any on Avishkar before. Wonder what's up with that and with the Loxodon we keep seeing everywhere.
Seeing as Temmet was resurrected before and killed then as well, I doubt he will return as anything but a mummy.
Vin is indeed a homunculus, but not native to Avishkar, I think he was originally from Kylem. The loxodon probably came from somewhere else too, we do know that Avishkar has a lot of stable Omenpaths.
I surprisingly like the story so far quite a bit, and I do find it funny that so many different schemes and motivations clash in this race already. Hope for more current Amonkhet insights further down the line though.
Temmet lore was wonky but this seem to iron it out somewhat. Temmet was last seen chasing after Liliana and Jace. His card implies he died and was mummified and a comment Samut made in WOTS showed he was eternalized later and killed by Samut.
I believe (due to the commander deck) he was restored into a mummy free from being an enteral.
I'm more into the Amonkhet lore tbh and the race is neat but not sure its translating the best into the story. Winter assuming Chandra has had no suffering is funny considering her history on her home. Just shows how he can't see how people could have trauma and learn to still be joyful.
Gonna guess Chandra will will the spark but it will be stolen by Winter or Jace/Vraska and Nissa wouldnt be too upset as it means a bit less to her. That said, interesting we are about to have Jace maybe running into Chandra.
Also, this has less to do with the story and more with the glimpses we got at the art, but I'm not a fan of "opening" the bandages for the mummies that are now proper citizens of Amonkhet. First, mummies don't look like living people under the linen, even if embalmed, and second it kind of just removes the 'supernatural' part of it? It turns the mummies into a Halloween costume.
Flip side is it does let them show off the diversity more of the peoples (both human real world diversity and diversity in the general people of the plane) and I can show same-y the full wrapped look can be.
Not say this is objectively better just seeing some of the postive and reasons for the choice.
Was Vin a homunculus?
Yes and the guide/turotal character for Magic Spellslingers game. Similar feel with what happened with Syr Ginger.
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“There are no weak Jews. I am descended from those who wrestle angels and kill giants. We were chosen by God. You were chosen by a pathetic little man who can't seem to grow a full mustache"
"You can tell how dumb someone is by how they use Mary Sue"
“There are no weak Jews. I am descended from those who wrestle angels and kill giants. We were chosen by God. You were chosen by a pathetic little man who can't seem to grow a full mustache"
"You can tell how dumb someone is by how they use Mary Sue"
Mohar and Jace are going to go through with the counter-revolution with the support of Mohar's friend Harshad, but the "Or she thought she did." line seems to foreshadow that this counter-revolution will not succeed, regardless of how much Jace thinks "It's what needs to be done."
This was clear from the Planeswalker's Guide, but Basri is on the Amonkhet team and Kari Zev is on the Keelhaulers team, both active
A living Amonkhet team member takes a fatal blow for the team, dies, and gets converted into an undead mummy and active team member
Winter gets to channel fiend fire through his skin at one point, and we might see the Speed Demon in the same card art
Chandra gets distracted getting vengeance on the Duskmourn team
Who's in the lead is in absolute flux right now, except that the Speedbrood, Keelhaulers, goblins, and robots probably aren't in contention
Today's episode sure wants to foreshadow that Chandra will be too consumed by harassing the Duskmourn team to win the Grand Prix, eh?
If Vraska still ends up getting her hands on the Aetherspark and not some Amonkheti mummy, then I suspect the following will be the race outcomes that lead to this:
Duskmourn's team wins, Jace and Vraska see that team with Loot, Jace and Vraska assault the team, rescue Loot, and grab the Aetherspark
Avishkar's team wins, Spitfire holds up the Aetherspark, Mohar demands to see his daughter's trophy, Jace and Vraska are accompanying Mohar and steal the Aetherspark this way
Is it just me or was that not a sandstorm but actually a dragonstorm? Vast winged shapes? Could be demons too, but we are going to Tarkir next.
I feel bad for the guy who died. Whose idea was it to put living people in a deathrace instead of letting mummies handle it? Major oversight if you ask me.
Also Winter continues to have a point in his spats with Chandra. If you're old enough to enter a friggin death race, you're also old enough to die. Sorry, Chandra, but your arguments and actions have been sketchy so far. Who are we supposed to root for again? I don't even like Winter.
Actually, I don't know why Jace is opting to support Mohar's dream to reinstate the Consulate (and Vraska might not know, either). Is it for an idealistic dream, or is it merely to save the pair's skin long enough to rescue Loot? I currently have slightly more bets on the latter.
Is it just me or was that not a sandstorm but actually a dragonstorm? Vast winged shapes? Could be demons too, but we are going to Tarkir next.
I feel bad for the guy who died. Whose idea was it to put living people in a deathrace instead of letting mummies handle it? Major oversight if you ask me.
Also Winter continues to have a point in his spats with Chandra. If you're old enough to enter a friggin death race, you're also old enough to die. Sorry, Chandra, but your arguments and actions have been sketchy so far. Who are we supposed to root for again? I don't even like Winter.
To be fair Amonkhet still has vestiges of that martyr culture and they become functional undead anyway. Judging by the PG mummies are now fully sapient too.
Oh and it sounds like time travel is connected to jaces plane
maybe the war of the spark 3 set might be timespiral based with alternate realities
but Anyway who know what will happen and disasters could happen when that happens time travel is connected to tarkir so clearly that will be a clue to how the clans come back like maro wanted
but The real dun dun dun to consider is this will accidentally change history as if Ulamog and kozilek never perished
“There are no weak Jews. I am descended from those who wrestle angels and kill giants. We were chosen by God. You were chosen by a pathetic little man who can't seem to grow a full mustache"
"You can tell how dumb someone is by how they use Mary Sue"
winter and Valgavoth lost possession of loot…from a just a regular Dinosaurfolk/viashino… and then Chandra got loot
You know we could have a chain react of what happened in “crimson vow” Kaya fought Vorinclex in on kaldheim I saw Kaya picture and teferi was there and I thought “uh-oh if Kaya tells them the panic and war starts.” Sure enough teferi warn arlinn about the phyrexians which means Kaya told them.
for this case loot could tell chandra, pia and maybe nissa his adopted parents are Jace and vraska and maybe throws a tip bit on his plan, they get scared tell loot they may be up to no good… and then get adopted again because they feel loot was originally in the wrong hands
The Telu-Set have royalty (maybe low-status petty royalty a la Fflewddur Fflam or Odysseus)
The Telu-Set's Star-Sword is indeed made of meteoric metal (claimed to be made of "pure-steel")
The Telu-Set (or at least their royalty) keep dromaeosaur raptors
The Telu-Set are generally against magic and mages period, but the king has a scribe with access to magic baubles under his command (he likes the scribe more than he hates magic)
Prince Khrad of the Telu-Set is chasing a vehicle lost by Gastal's Endriders for much of the story, appropriated by an enemy Muragandan sorcerer
Episode 4:
The counter-revolution participants still refer to their home plane as Kaladesh (more foreshadowing that they won't succeed?); counter-revolutionary Rudra works for Gonti as security, Mohar plans to lay traps at the Grand Prix's finish line and start the counter-revolution that way
Muraganda still has falling chunks of land
Several members of, if not the rest of, Daretti's team are semi-forced to abandon him when the team gets lured into a trap and assaulted by Muragandan raiders; the team members distract the raiders with an explosion and run
Teams win the Aetherspark, not individuals; this is an important factor in Chandra's decision to rescue Loot (I wonder if things will work out for Spitfire the way she thinks it will; thank goodness Captain Pia Nalaar has a planeswalker for a daughter and is probably less than enthusiastic about planeswalking herself)
Loot is captured by the raiders together with Daretti, then Chandra rescues them with Pia
Loot is implied to be able to rip open Omenpaths at the end of the episode, but to where? Shame Chandra and company are going to that mystery place right now!
It's possible Loot had to rip open Omenpaths along the race track for Duskmourn's team (although that doesn't explain how Winter repeatedly and stealthily gets to the front of the pack)
Assuming Mohar's plan of booby-trapping the finish line succeeds, it is irrelevant who wins as long as Jace and Vraska are at the finish line and able to intercept the Aetherspark. It is therefore possible that Jace suggested the traps at the finish line himself, and supporting the counter-revolution is just a means to this end of obtaining the Aetherspark for Vraska... a book based on Lusitanian Mythology a book based on Lusitanian Mythology a book based on Lusitanian Mythology
Thou shalt not frame images with the modern card face
Thou shalt not change rules in vain
Remember the Reserved List to keep it holy
Honor thy Slivers and the symmetry of their abilities
Thou shalt not kill mana burn
Thou shalt not sacrifice depth for accessibility
Thou shalt not steal combat damage from the stack
Thou shalt tell a story through thy cards
All must be one
According to Episode 1:
KaladeshiAvishkari heretic researcher and implied nascent planeswalker Ishikari Bindra is the creator of the Aetherspark (and may have died activating it for the first time)
We see gonti and things might get interesting he's wearing a white robe
This story was more of a drag to read than it had to be because there were 3 main characters whose names started with M, two of which were nearly identical save for two letters, and then the author found it a good idea to add a secondary character that also started with M. Writers, please.
Otherwise it was neat to see Amonkhet again, although truth be told we hadn't seen much. Also was Temmet returned to life proper, or returned as a mummy?
Also, this has less to do with the story and more with the glimpses we got at the art, but I'm not a fan of "opening" the bandages for the mummies that are now proper citizens of Amonkhet. First, mummies don't look like living people under the linen, even if embalmed, and second it kind of just removes the 'supernatural' part of it? It turns the mummies into a Halloween costume.
Also also, idle musing time: Given Amonkhet's infrastructure centered around training via trials and mummy mentors, I wish Amonkhet/Naktamun had become a semi-'rival' of Strixhaven, becoming an academy, possibly more focused on martial arts and "practical" (as opposed to purely academic) topics.
Main story:
As always, there's not really much to say for the main story. Cars go fast I guess.
Looking forward to Chandra getting disqualified for attempted sabotage of a rival team's equipment.
Was Vin a homunculus? I don't think there were any on Avishkar before. Wonder what's up with that and with the Loxodon we keep seeing everywhere. a book based on Lusitanian Mythology
Seeing as Temmet was resurrected before and killed then as well, I doubt he will return as anything but a mummy.
Vin is indeed a homunculus, but not native to Avishkar, I think he was originally from Kylem. The loxodon probably came from somewhere else too, we do know that Avishkar has a lot of stable Omenpaths.
I surprisingly like the story so far quite a bit, and I do find it funny that so many different schemes and motivations clash in this race already. Hope for more current Amonkhet insights further down the line though.
I believe (due to the commander deck) he was restored into a mummy free from being an enteral.
I'm more into the Amonkhet lore tbh and the race is neat but not sure its translating the best into the story. Winter assuming Chandra has had no suffering is funny considering her history on her home. Just shows how he can't see how people could have trauma and learn to still be joyful.
Gonna guess Chandra will will the spark but it will be stolen by Winter or Jace/Vraska and Nissa wouldnt be too upset as it means a bit less to her. That said, interesting we are about to have Jace maybe running into Chandra.
Flip side is it does let them show off the diversity more of the peoples (both human real world diversity and diversity in the general people of the plane) and I can show same-y the full wrapped look can be.
Not say this is objectively better just seeing some of the postive and reasons for the choice.
Yes and the guide/turotal character for Magic Spellslingers game. Similar feel with what happened with Syr Ginger.
"You can tell how dumb someone is by how they use Mary Sue"
"You can tell how dumb someone is by how they use Mary Sue" a book based on Lusitanian Mythology
If Vraska still ends up getting her hands on the Aetherspark and not some Amonkheti mummy, then I suspect the following will be the race outcomes that lead to this:
I feel bad for the guy who died. Whose idea was it to put living people in a deathrace instead of letting mummies handle it? Major oversight if you ask me.
Also Winter continues to have a point in his spats with Chandra. If you're old enough to enter a friggin death race, you're also old enough to die. Sorry, Chandra, but your arguments and actions have been sketchy so far. Who are we supposed to root for again?
To be fair Amonkhet still has vestiges of that martyr culture and they become functional undead anyway. Judging by the PG mummies are now fully sapient too. a book based on Lusitanian Mythology
maybe the war of the spark 3 set might be timespiral based with alternate realities
but Anyway who know what will happen and disasters could happen when that happens time travel is connected to tarkir so clearly that will be a clue to how the clans come back like maro wanted
but The real dun dun dun to consider is this will accidentally change history as if Ulamog and kozilek never perished
Aetherdrift | Like No Other Beast by Zachary Olson
"You can tell how dumb someone is by how they use Mary Sue" a book based on Lusitanian Mythology
You know we could have a chain react of what happened in “crimson vow” Kaya fought Vorinclex in on kaldheim I saw Kaya picture and teferi was there and I thought “uh-oh if Kaya tells them the panic and war starts.” Sure enough teferi warn arlinn about the phyrexians which means Kaya told them.
for this case loot could tell chandra, pia and maybe nissa his adopted parents are Jace and vraska and maybe throws a tip bit on his plan, they get scared tell loot they may be up to no good… and then get adopted again because they feel loot was originally in the wrong hands
Episode 4:
Assuming Mohar's plan of booby-trapping the finish line succeeds, it is irrelevant who wins as long as Jace and Vraska are at the finish line and able to intercept the Aetherspark. It is therefore possible that Jace suggested the traps at the finish line himself, and supporting the counter-revolution is just a means to this end of obtaining the Aetherspark for Vraska...