I’m building a casual kitchen table Sliver deck built around Sliver Gravemother I’m going to run Sundial of the Infinite and Teferi’s Veil as ways to indefinitely keep the token creatures generated by Sliver Gravemother. What other cards are out there that let me keep those tokens indefinitely?
big receipts
alpha mox emerald
beta time walk
4 goyfs received
3 liliana of the veil
4 karn liberated
3 force of will
4 grove of the burnwillows
snapcaster mage
3 horizon canopy
2 full art damnation
big receipts
alpha mox emerald
beta time walk
4 goyfs received
3 liliana of the veil
4 karn liberated
3 force of will
4 grove of the burnwillows
snapcaster mage
3 horizon canopy
2 full art damnation