Custom Card Rulings

Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Text of a Potential FCC Submission >>
by Eliminator
1 559
Help with Keyword >>
by Ripe
5 794
Legendary Instants >>
by user-11107678
4 726
End of Turn >>
by Chris with Lime
5 741
Help with Wording Custom Set >>
by Weirdling
4 763
Morph Land? >>
by Modus Fate
9 8,861
Aura copies put straight into play >>
by Vitaly
2 769
Saving auras from themselves (FCC) >>
by Fajen Thygia
2 585
Tinkering with Splits >>
by Voila!
2 703
Need help with a card. >>
by ourhirozero
0 562
Does this mechanic work? >>
by Pichoro
0 610
Hellbent phrasing >>
by Voila!
3 660
Crazy rules questions. Are some of these even POSSIBLE? >>
by Arc the Arcane
11 1,496
Need an FCC ruling from a guru >>
by Kraj
7 701
Rancor & +1/+1 counter on Treetop Village >>
by Wry
1 1,494
Does this work as written? >>
by L0ng5h0t
9 922
Need wording for a card >>
by user-11093727
1 709
My first experimental card >>
by ZasZ234
8 913
Replacement effects during cleanup >>
by L0ng5h0t
3 673
World Enchantments >>
by Snow-Fur
13 1,770
Does this work as intended? >>
by Kraj
6 794
Just a small question >>
by ZasZ234
2 726
How would you interpret these cards? >>
by Modus Fate
9 1,017
Protection on stack >>
by Voila!
6 1,585
How would this card work? >>
by Modus Fate
11 862
Question about a non-existant card. >>
by Modus Fate
6 915
Does this work? >>
by Hyram
47 4,578
Help with wording >>
by SquirrelWraith
6 773
Erasing "Enchant" >>
by Voila!
5 705
Salvation: Pimp my Portal >>
by Snow-Fur
4 839
Pirate Machenic >>
by Bootsy
6 1,043
What's the cost of a card? Of 1 life? (Math) >>
by Zyrakris
5 1,149
Threshold belongs to what color? >>
by Zyrakris
3 1,038
Rules Question >>
by The_Wombat
4 909
Static abilities in RFG zone >>
by Viperion
1 797
Gimmic ability >>
by Snow-Fur
5 895
need help writing rules in an actual rules format >>
by emily1987
3 809
(Spells without mana costs can’t be played.) >>
by Fats McRobot
13 5,779
Coffers for different Colors >>
by Snow-Fur
7 5,429
A bird that can't be changed >>
by void_nothing
2 1,183
Complicated Wording >>
by DruggedAngel
6 877
Veil >>
by Morsetlis
6 883
Chromate >>
by strongbad56
3 1,022
if a card says 'you control all...' >>
by user-11102745
2 730
Correct Wording >>
by Gwald
7 928
Stars in P/T >>
by The_Wombat
2 762
Wording for this keyword? >>
by moogie
8 1,007
is it possible? >>
by emily1987
10 916
Individual booby traps? >>
by Morsetlis
12 1,067
Chosen color >>
by Serra Avenger
3 713