It seems sort of silly to ridicule a company for marketing efforts. Of course they are going to hype upcoming products, every company on the face of the planet does it, and it works, thats why they do it. There isn't really any sense complaining about it. If you don't like the marketing, ignore it.
Make it an ability word like Hellbent. That's how MaRo said he would make Threshold if he were to redesign it. I still don't get the flavor of Harmony. Why would it care about something that doesn't share a color with it?
The block I am working on promotes running three colors in balance with one another. I know there is another block like that floating around here. It is just something that I want to do personally. Plus I usually dont enjoy designing with other persons custom mechanics. Maybe people dont like mine either but we all try.
It seems sort of silly to ridicule a company for marketing efforts. Of course they are going to hype upcoming products, every company on the face of the planet does it, and it works, thats why they do it. There isn't really any sense complaining about it. If you don't like the marketing, ignore it.
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Harmony (This card has Harmony as long as there is a non-land non-artifact card in your graveyard that doesn't share a color with this.)
I want it to work like Threshold and Hellbent.
Any comments on the idea are appreciated too.