Hey everyone, I've been working on a novel for the last few months, with large breaks in between. I don't currently have a title for it, but the Prologue is called Dark Depths, and I've just finished the first Act called The Last Mirran.
I am an author of a book published back in 2011, although it didn't sell particularly well. Since then I've been working on random projects, original and fan-fic inspired. I'm working on two other books currently, although this one is taking up most of my attention. I've found it difficult to approach fantasy (horror is my usual forte), but I feel like I've grown into it quite well these last few weeks. I'll post links below of the various parts in order, and I'll update this OP daily.
I am an author of a book published back in 2011, although it didn't sell particularly well. Since then I've been working on random projects, original and fan-fic inspired. I'm working on two other books currently, although this one is taking up most of my attention. I've found it difficult to approach fantasy (horror is my usual forte), but I feel like I've grown into it quite well these last few weeks. I'll post links below of the various parts in order, and I'll update this OP daily.
Current Word Count: 49,600
Prologue: Dark Depths
Act I: The Last Mirran
Act II: The Torch in the Shard
https://exceptionallyaverageman.wordpress.com/2017/09/26/project-2-act-2-the-torch-of-the-shard-pt5/ <-I dislike this section. Needs work.
Act III: Mother of Machines
https://exceptionallyaverageman.wordpress.com/2018/01/19/project-2-act-3-mother-of-machines-pt5/ <- needs proofing/work
Act IV: Hell's Mouth
Epilogue: Alone
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Apologies for the lack of updates lately. Sleep is hard. For the record however, we're about over the halfway mark!
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