These are worlds that in the lore are outright destroyed and will never be returned to in their original context, ever. There is physically no way possible for WotC outside of a major revision or time traveling or a throwback set to look at this setting.
1. The Plane of Rath overlaid
A fully built world from a beloved set, there's no reason not to return to this plane for fan fiction.
2. Serra's Realm collapsed
Mediocre plane, but it has a lot of angels in it.
3. Khans version of Tarkir
Five clans with Asian roots. There are monks and zombies here.
4. Zlalfir is permanently phased out and "Lost forever" could conceivably become it's own plane with special rules.
5. Mirrodin is dead as it has become New Phyrexia
The Hook: It's Mirrodin, what more needs to be said?
The hook: It's Africa done Magic style
5. Shards of Alara
The shards reunited and now aren't the same. There is no way to return to the original shards as five separate planes.
The hook: Each plane is its own ecosystem and storyline separate without two different forms of mana.
6. Old Phyrexia
It's Old Phyrexia
The hook: Did it survive? And telling the story of how it avoided collapse.
Abandoned Worlds:
1. Ulgortha/The Homelands was an under performed set mainly a failure because mechanically it was underpowered. The Baron Sengir and his family exist here along with other natives of the plane are still alive. The only reason a "return" isn't poised, ever, is because of the underperformance of the set and the really bad branding that makes this a world only a "Vorthos could love."
The hook: Baron Sengir and his family posed to conquer an entire plane.
2. Kawigama is still in "play" as a plane, but there is no return planned ever considering that the original Kawigama set was too lore rich and had too many Japanese references and bad mechanics like Splice. There are references like Tamiyo, but no conditions to return to the plane as stated by Maro. This makes the modern Kawigama a place that can be expanded upon.
The hook: It's Japan in Magic. That and Ninjas.
3. Mercadia-A world built with two factions and has only been in one set that was underpowered, ill received as a story setting, and basically another world that people don't want to see again. There are rebels and pirates on this world, making for yet another setting that could be rebuilt and populated with fan fiction
The hook: It's got rebels and pirates.
4. Lorwyn-Apparently people hated the lore here.
The hook: Fairy Tale world with several nonhuman species. That and hobbits/kithkin.
Rarely Used Concept Worlds:
1. Equilor was an ancient plane that was far off the original beaten trail that was visited by Urza. There are some notations such as city made of living tissue among other guardians where there was a lot of knowledge.
The hook: The library and the bio-city.
Looking at each of these worlds there are some different settings that would make for fanfiction worlds better. Overall I feel that:
1. Establishing "setting guilds" that "adopt a world" and built on it through pictures and suffusing into a guide.
2. Writers and content creators that are able to "pool" into "building the world" and encouraging other fanbased works in guilds or their own creative teams.
3. Establishing an articles release guide to better place stories into the Articles section of the site so that stories gets more exposure.
4. Establishing a "home" for fanfiction inside of a wiki that is more self contained and more easily searched than the forums that can also house "fan built design documents."
This is an idea to build on and expand and built more of a fanfiction community and attract people by making fanfiction more central in the site's mission to support Magic community.
Thoughts and ideas?
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Life is a beautiful engineer, yet a brutal scientist.
Much of what you are saying is extraordinary work, and to truly make a decent fanfiction from a world such as Kamigawa one has to be very familiar with its lore, which is not exactly trivial. I write fanfiction here and I will keep writing because I like it. Before I write a story in a specific part of a world of Magic I will do some research, but honestly I don't think you encourage anyone into writing fanfiction starting with "here, read tons of stuff and come back later".
I appreciate the idea os strenghtening the fanfiction base of MTG, especially here on salvation, but I think you should start with baby steps. First why not just create a topic here on this forum where people can discuss their ideas? For instance, many of my writing ideas come from a single magic card, and I write trying to expect some feedback (which, honestly, is what keeps a writer moving, if I wanted to write only for myself I wouldn't post things here). I wrote a whole story based on Goblin King and I already have another one in mind based around another cool flavor text of another magic card. That said, lack of feedback is discouraging, and having a established community to give feedback on what you write also helps. I try to read things people are posting here and give some feedback, because I know it helps, but I'm just one person and I can't do this that often.
I would be happy with:
- More adversiting of this section of salvation that should come from everyone that writes fanfiction and everyone that likes to read it.
- A greater presence of moderation on this forum, helping with stimulating ideas. One suggestion that I gave already: discuss story ideas, people usually make their own topics for that, which disperses the discussion, there could be only one topic for that.
- Restablishment of a 'contest' just to keep people wanting to write more, with a voting system and a submission date (I know people attempted this already, but maybe there could be some ACTUAL reward from the winner? I don't know exactly what could it be though).
Well, I think that is my contribution.
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Would you like to read Commander stories? Check my latest stories, coming from Lorwyn and Innistrad: Ghoulcaller Gisa and Doran, The Siege Tower! If you like my writing, ask me to write something for your commander as well!
These are worlds that in the lore are outright destroyed and will never be returned to in their original context, ever. There is physically no way possible for WotC outside of a major revision or time traveling or a throwback set to look at this setting.
1. The Plane of Rath overlaid
A fully built world from a beloved set, there's no reason not to return to this plane for fan fiction.
2. Serra's Realm collapsed
Mediocre plane, but it has a lot of angels in it.
3. Khans version of Tarkir
Five clans with Asian roots. There are monks and zombies here.
4. Zlalfir is permanently phased out and "Lost forever" could conceivably become it's own plane with special rules.
5. Mirrodin is dead as it has become New Phyrexia
The Hook: It's Mirrodin, what more needs to be said?
The hook: It's Africa done Magic style
5. Shards of Alara
The shards reunited and now aren't the same. There is no way to return to the original shards as five separate planes.
The hook: Each plane is its own ecosystem and storyline separate without two different forms of mana.
6. Old Phyrexia
It's Old Phyrexia
The hook: Did it survive? And telling the story of how it avoided collapse.
Abandoned Worlds:
1. Ulgortha/The Homelands was an under performed set mainly a failure because mechanically it was underpowered. The Baron Sengir and his family exist here along with other natives of the plane are still alive. The only reason a "return" isn't poised, ever, is because of the underperformance of the set and the really bad branding that makes this a world only a "Vorthos could love."
The hook: Baron Sengir and his family posed to conquer an entire plane.
2. Kawigama is still in "play" as a plane, but there is no return planned ever considering that the original Kawigama set was too lore rich and had too many Japanese references and bad mechanics like Splice. There are references like Tamiyo, but no conditions to return to the plane as stated by Maro. This makes the modern Kawigama a place that can be expanded upon.
The hook: It's Japan in Magic. That and Ninjas.
3. Mercadia-A world built with two factions and has only been in one set that was underpowered, ill received as a story setting, and basically another world that people don't want to see again. There are rebels and pirates on this world, making for yet another setting that could be rebuilt and populated with fan fiction
The hook: It's got rebels and pirates.
4. Lorwyn-Apparently people hated the lore here.
The hook: Fairy Tale world with several nonhuman species. That and hobbits/kithkin.
Rarely Used Concept Worlds:
1. Equilor was an ancient plane that was far off the original beaten trail that was visited by Urza. There are some notations such as city made of living tissue among other guardians where there was a lot of knowledge.
The hook: The library and the bio-city.
Looking at each of these worlds there are some different settings that would make for fanfiction worlds better. Overall I feel that:
1. Establishing "setting guilds" that "adopt a world" and built on it through pictures and suffusing into a guide.
2. Writers and content creators that are able to "pool" into "building the world" and encouraging other fanbased works in guilds or their own creative teams.
3. Establishing an articles release guide to better place stories into the Articles section of the site so that stories gets more exposure.
4. Establishing a "home" for fanfiction inside of a wiki that is more self contained and more easily searched than the forums that can also house "fan built design documents."
This is an idea to build on and expand and built more of a fanfiction community and attract people by making fanfiction more central in the site's mission to support Magic community.
Thoughts and ideas?
<a href="">An Enchanted Evening Cube </a>
Much of what you are saying is extraordinary work, and to truly make a decent fanfiction from a world such as Kamigawa one has to be very familiar with its lore, which is not exactly trivial. I write fanfiction here and I will keep writing because I like it. Before I write a story in a specific part of a world of Magic I will do some research, but honestly I don't think you encourage anyone into writing fanfiction starting with "here, read tons of stuff and come back later".
I appreciate the idea os strenghtening the fanfiction base of MTG, especially here on salvation, but I think you should start with baby steps. First why not just create a topic here on this forum where people can discuss their ideas? For instance, many of my writing ideas come from a single magic card, and I write trying to expect some feedback (which, honestly, is what keeps a writer moving, if I wanted to write only for myself I wouldn't post things here). I wrote a whole story based on Goblin King and I already have another one in mind based around another cool flavor text of another magic card. That said, lack of feedback is discouraging, and having a established community to give feedback on what you write also helps. I try to read things people are posting here and give some feedback, because I know it helps, but I'm just one person and I can't do this that often.
I would be happy with:
- More adversiting of this section of salvation that should come from everyone that writes fanfiction and everyone that likes to read it.
- A greater presence of moderation on this forum, helping with stimulating ideas. One suggestion that I gave already: discuss story ideas, people usually make their own topics for that, which disperses the discussion, there could be only one topic for that.
- Restablishment of a 'contest' just to keep people wanting to write more, with a voting system and a submission date (I know people attempted this already, but maybe there could be some ACTUAL reward from the winner? I don't know exactly what could it be though).
Well, I think that is my contribution.
Read my other stories as well (some ongoing):
Reaper King (a horror story), Kaalia of the Vast (an origin story), Sequels for Innistrad (Alternative sequels for Inn), Grey Areas (Odric's fanfic), Royal Succession (goblins),The Tracker's Message (eldrazi on Innistrad) and Ugin and his Eye (the end of OGW).