Not right now, but I have all the sprites on my computer so it should take me like 2 minutes to put together one smilie size (which would be it's original size {i.e. 25% of the one in the first post}), so check back sometime tomorro... later today.
Leafeon Smilie Added!
Hmm... Maybe I'll have to look at him a bit to see how well I can do it (Magic Art is hard to turn into Sprites).
Not exactly too impressed with how Thrun came out. But it's really hard capturing him from the art as so much of it is blacked out or vaguely defined. It also doesn't help that the parts that do show are highly detailed which sort of makes it awkward to sprite. But it looks okay.
Do you have your walkin'-kneelin' Leafy at smiley size?
Edit: Please pardon my reply if it is uncouth against the "non-magic related" bit. I just always thought mini-Thrun would be hilarious.
sweeeeeet thrun!