Add me to the bypass as well. I can't add any bugreports to curse project mods for minecraft because of the latin error thingie.
I would assume you're referring to Adding a usergroup permission on this site won't affect you on that site. You'll need to ask the mods/admins there to add you.
I've gone ahead and added you here though.
madhatter00o - you're added as well.
Add me to the bypass as well. I can't add any bugreports to curse project mods for minecraft because of the latin error thingie.
I would assume you're referring to Adding a usergroup permission on this site won't affect you on that site. You'll need to ask the mods/admins there to add you.
I've gone ahead and added you here though.
madhatter00o - you're added as well.
I am trying to blog in my content and I get the same message. I tried to save as draft and I am not sure if that has worked. How can I post, or can you show me what I did wrong in my post?
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Currently playing: MODERN BRG Jund WU Control UBRG Dredge BG Elves G Tron
Building: WR Boros Burn UB Tezzerator
I also play Legacy, and EDH. Follow me at MTGPackFoils on Twitter.
Can I be added as well? I'm trying to post a Magic puzzle and I've spent quite some time searching for non-latin characters but I can't seem to get my post to go through. Thanks!
EDIT: I finally got it to work, but man is this annoying.
Hi can I please be added. I am trying to copy over my cube from cube tutor, I haven't had problems before, but I have been going through all the cards and haven't found the problem. Thanks!
I don't know why I can't make a post. I typed it into Notepad like I always do and when I copy/paste it tells me that I have Latin Unicode. I've tried everything I can including a regex search for non-ascii characters and nothing. Can you add me to the exceptions? My posting history should show that though I'm legit.
Can we still request to be added to this bypass thingy? My computer automatically turns my en dashes into em dashes and a few other things, which is normally great for me because I like my dashes and marks that way, but awful for me when I'm on MTGS, especially when I'm trying to edit old threads that were posted successfully with non-Latin characters in years prior.
A small question, do you know how much longer we have to live with this "problem" (I know, for what this is). I found a work around for those pesky Latin characters I need, but it gets annoying from time to time (I know).
You don't need to add me on the byepass list, I just wanted to know, if there is a solution coming any time soon or not.
Private Mod Note
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What I play or have:
either funpolice (Delver, Deathcloud, UW Control) or the fun decks (especially those ft. Griselbrand)
So...I've recently been trying to edit my thread's decklist for the past 3 hours and it still gives the error. Only thing is, within the last hour I've seen other users posting with non-latin unicode. What gives?
Thank you to Rivenor for this awesome banner!
Palladia-Mors of {The Spirit of EDH}
WLinvala, Queen of the AngelsW
WUThe Prison of the Grand ArbiterUW [Primer]
URNiv-Mizzet, Handcycling ComboRU
UTalrand, Drake-Slinging to VictoryU
WUGDerevi, Tactical ShufflingGUW
BCao Cao, Discard Stax of Absolute MiseryB
I've gone ahead and added you here though.
madhatter00o - you're added as well.
No longer staff here.
I was referring to curse.Com
360 Uncommons only Cube!
BRG Jund
WU Control
UBRG Dredge
BG Elves
G Tron
WR Boros Burn
UB Tezzerator
I also play Legacy, and EDH. Follow me at MTGPackFoils on Twitter.
EDIT: I finally got it to work, but man is this annoying.
Draft My 450 card Peasant cube on Cubetutor.comWRUGB
No longer staff here.
No longer staff here.
GWU Derevi, the Prison Queen UWG
No longer staff here.
Shouldn't have any further issue.
No longer staff here.
Legacy: GWR Enchantress <--That's my banner!
Casual: WB [[Primer]]Clerics Tribal; BU Affinity
EDH: ...U [[Primer]]Arcum Dagsson; BG Legal Stax; B Illegal Stax
Proxy: .WX TriniStax
Other stuff: [[Official]]Shuffling, Truth + Maths
Could I get added as well? Trying to post in the Modern forum.
(Apologies for the slight delay TrueNub. I must have missed the notice from your post)
No longer staff here.
You don't need to add me on the byepass list, I just wanted to know, if there is a solution coming any time soon or not.
either funpolice (Delver, Deathcloud, UW Control) or the fun decks (especially those ft. Griselbrand)
Seriph0 on cockatrice
EDH Decks
No longer staff here.
I dont know if you got him or not Feyd but there was a request in the CI above. Could you please add him?
Signature by Inkfox Aesthetics by Xen
[Modern] Allies