Can I get special character permission? I want to put Chinese writing in my sig
One thing you could do is, after getting, say, 100 posts and having been here for over six months, default to that user having permission to use non-Latin characters? (I think I have permission, since I have posted emojis and IPA characters before. Also Serbian characters too, since, you know, Ravnica, but that's still ISO-Latin sets, just not ISO-Latin-1.)
Any spammer will be banned well before the six months. And staying on for six months and then posting would hit the other limit.
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Card advantage is not the same thing as card draw. Something for 2B cannot be strictly worse than something for BBB or 3BB. If you're taking out Swords to Plowshares for Plummet, you're a fool. Stop doing these things!
There's not a system in place that can add or remove usergroups automatically, based on any criteria.
Otherwise, I'd be all for this.
Sorry <3
True. I'd take it up with Curse or Twitch, if I were you. It'd make your work a lot easier.
(I end up being the one with all the innovations and no way to market them, so everybody gets one free.)
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Card advantage is not the same thing as card draw. Something for 2B cannot be strictly worse than something for BBB or 3BB. If you're taking out Swords to Plowshares for Plummet, you're a fool. Stop doing these things!
I'm totally new to the forums here and was working on a long form post for a pet EDH deck I've been playing for years. Getting this error, and can't seem to find which character is stopping me from posting. No em-dashes or anything. Is there a fix for this I am missing, or some way to look at what characters are causing problems?
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Also added "•" to the white list
No longer staff here.
Added you to the check bypass
No longer staff here.
That's really weird. Thanks.
No longer staff here.
No longer staff here.
No longer staff here.
No longer staff here.
I'm a simple Magic player since 1 year ago from China. Now I live in New Jersey.
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I also make YouTube videos at
One thing you could do is, after getting, say, 100 posts and having been here for over six months, default to that user having permission to use non-Latin characters? (I think I have permission, since I have posted emojis and IPA characters before. Also Serbian characters too, since, you know, Ravnica, but that's still ISO-Latin sets, just not ISO-Latin-1.)
Any spammer will be banned well before the six months. And staying on for six months and then posting would hit the other limit.
On phasing:
Otherwise, I'd be all for this.
Sorry <3
No longer staff here.
No longer staff here.
True. I'd take it up with Curse or Twitch, if I were you. It'd make your work a lot easier.
(I end up being the one with all the innovations and no way to market them, so everybody gets one free.)
On phasing:
No longer staff here.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
Please come visit us at the Emeria Titan control thread
No longer staff here.
Thank you. And Merry Christmas.
Nexus MTG News // Nexus - Magic Art Gallery // MTG Dual Land Color Ratios Analyzer // MTG Card Drawing Odds Calculator
Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
Please come visit us at the Emeria Titan control thread