I'm not looking for decklists. I'm asking as someone who wants to learn the history Magics metas. I'd love it if there was a "Meta Encyclopedia" if you will.
I've always been a casual budget kitchen table player since I started playing in 2002 at age 13, but I hate that my lack of competitive experience seems to hinder my overall knowledge of the game. I feel like I can really grow as a player, tinkerer/brewer, deck pilot with the knowledge I've missed out on all these years.
I want to hear about things like the Lorwyn era and Tarmogroyfs dominance, Mirrodins Raffinity, the more recent era of Mono U Delver and Red Deck Wins, the Scepter-Chant, Fruity Pebbles, & Ad Nauseum era, Phasenought, Skullclamp & Force of Will's impact on the metas, the Sligh deck era of the late 90's, and everything inbetween from '93 to to present.
I know it seems like I already know plenty, but I am sure there is plenty more that I don't know, not to mentioned that I don't know as much as I'd like to know about any of the things I mentioned.
"You sure are asking a lot"
I'm not asking anyone one person to write a whole book. But each player may know enough about at least one era of Magic to contribute something to it.
I believe this wouldn't just be for me, but also a boon of knowledge to the Magic community as well.
big receipts
alpha mox emerald
beta time walk
4 goyfs received
3 liliana of the veil
4 karn liberated
3 force of will
4 grove of the burnwillows
snapcaster mage
3 horizon canopy
2 full art damnation
Stephen Menendian has a series on the history of vintage, his most recent entry provides something of a mission statement, and inspired by that Wikipedia article, he also created a timeline of vintage: History of Vintage Timeline of Vintage
A bonus from smmenen, early histories of The Deck and Zoo: The Deck Zoo
The Magic website doesn't have anything resembling what I am requesting
Are you sure? The official site has a lot of tournament coverage, and at least some reports and strategy, it just takes time to find things.
I've always been a casual budget kitchen table player since I started playing in 2002 at age 13, but I hate that my lack of competitive experience seems to hinder my overall knowledge of the game. I feel like I can really grow as a player, tinkerer/brewer, deck pilot with the knowledge I've missed out on all these years.
I want to hear about things like the Lorwyn era and Tarmogroyfs dominance, Mirrodins Raffinity, the more recent era of Mono U Delver and Red Deck Wins, the Scepter-Chant, Fruity Pebbles, & Ad Nauseum era, Phasenought, Skullclamp & Force of Will's impact on the metas, the Sligh deck era of the late 90's, and everything inbetween from '93 to to present.
I know it seems like I already know plenty, but I am sure there is plenty more that I don't know, not to mentioned that I don't know as much as I'd like to know about any of the things I mentioned.
"You sure are asking a lot"
I'm not asking anyone one person to write a whole book. But each player may know enough about at least one era of Magic to contribute something to it.
I believe this wouldn't just be for me, but also a boon of knowledge to the Magic community as well.
This link also will be helpful
big receipts
alpha mox emerald
beta time walk
4 goyfs received
3 liliana of the veil
4 karn liberated
3 force of will
4 grove of the burnwillows
snapcaster mage
3 horizon canopy
2 full art damnation
The Magic website doesn't have anything resembling what I am requesting and the link you gave says the article no longer exists.
History of Type II
Stephen Menendian has a series on the history of vintage, his most recent entry provides something of a mission statement, and inspired by that Wikipedia article, he also created a timeline of vintage:
History of Vintage
Timeline of Vintage
A bonus from smmenen, early histories of The Deck and Zoo:
The Deck
Are you sure? The official site has a lot of tournament coverage, and at least some reports and strategy, it just takes time to find things.
Classic Dojo's Decks to Beat:
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