clearly the site was hit with a double wammy 2019-now, covid killing tournaments and online magic getting people to talk decks less here and some where else.
Did majority go somewhere? a Discord perhaps?
20 years of forum crawling on the internet taught me usually bulk of a community goes to another website or service.
This forum has been on the decline for a few years now. Probably even before they sold to curse gaming. Some of the threads see a decent amount of use (like the rulings thread), but for the most part people sort of scattered depending on their interest. Mtgnexus has quite a few people and reddit as well between the spikes thread and the regular one.
I think Cancel Culture was what did it. It pressured a lot of members to use other means of online communication outside of Facebook and Twitter where they aren't judged or condemned by moderators and other members to be able to speak more freely with others. By the time Message Board Forums became a victim of Cancel Culture, everyone decided that it was time to jump ship.
That and you also have to factor in the pandemic making Organized Play at Local Game Stores (LGSs) next to impossible which means less Paper Magic content posted on Message Board Forums. Arena is also taking away most foot traffic for those who enjoy playing Standard compared to EDH / Commander which is the only format that's been keeping the Local Game Store (LGS) on life support right now.
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Jesus Christ, Who Is God Revealed In The Flesh, Bless America.
"Restriction breeds creativity." - Sheldon Menery on EDH / Commander in Magic: The Gathering
"I'd much rather prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery." - Anonymous
"Most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution." - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
"Every life decision is always a risk / reward proposition." - Sanjay Gupta
I feel that forum use in general has slowed down and moved to discord servers a lot, at least from what I've noticed. A lot of mtg discords I use are still relatively active.
The pandemic stopping in store play for so long didn't exactly help either
Did majority go somewhere? a Discord perhaps?
20 years of forum crawling on the internet taught me usually bulk of a community goes to another website or service.
That and you also have to factor in the pandemic making Organized Play at Local Game Stores (LGSs) next to impossible which means less Paper Magic content posted on Message Board Forums. Arena is also taking away most foot traffic for those who enjoy playing Standard compared to EDH / Commander which is the only format that's been keeping the Local Game Store (LGS) on life support right now.
"Restriction breeds creativity." - Sheldon Menery on EDH / Commander in Magic: The Gathering
"I'd much rather prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery." - Anonymous
"Most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution." - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
"Every life decision is always a risk / reward proposition." - Sanjay Gupta
The pandemic stopping in store play for so long didn't exactly help either
Art is life itself.
Everyone is moving a little bit into messengers