There aren't, unfortunately.
We can see that there's a deleted post, but this is hidden from normal users.
(Turning it on would let users also see deleted posts, so we can't really do that.)
If you stumble across an odd thread with someone talking to himself, they're not as crazy as they seem..
Thread for bridgevine was deleted. We've had a few people working on a new primer, would it be possible to resurrect the thread while replacing the OP with the new primer?
In order to steal the existing primer with a new OP, the user taking it has to have posted before December 2017.
That will let me steal one of his posts to make it the new OP.
Otherwise, we'll have to make a new thread.
If you get it done, please shoot me a PM and I'll make it happen.
OK, I'll see what I can do. Thanks for all your efforts in this.
We can see that there's a deleted post, but this is hidden from normal users.
(Turning it on would let users also see deleted posts, so we can't really do that.)
If you stumble across an odd thread with someone talking to himself, they're not as crazy as they seem..
No longer staff here.
Thread for bridgevine was deleted. We've had a few people working on a new primer, would it be possible to resurrect the thread while replacing the OP with the new primer?
Or something like that.
That will let me steal one of his posts to make it the new OP.
Otherwise, we'll have to make a new thread.
If you get it done, please shoot me a PM and I'll make it happen.
No longer staff here.
No longer staff here.
-leon Guatier Ten commandments of chivalry