Hey everyone! I have returned to host for the Holiday Card exchange once again! Some of you may know me from the Commander forums, some of you may have even gotten some of whatever I've made in years past. I'll even be participating once again this year! We have now passed the decade mark on this little exchange, and I see no reason to stop now!
As always, exchange entries MUST be in to me by the deadline: December 11, 2018.
For 2017, the MTGSalvation Holiday Magic Card Exchange returns for its ELEVENTH year!
Here is an introduction for those of you new to this - or - a refresher for the old timers:
How the exchange works
The premise is simple. First, MTGSalvation members from all over the world* send me personally altered cards. Then, as Christmas approaches, I randomly send their cards to someone else who participated. It's a fun gift exchange that's always a blast.
(*As of recent years, due to shipping prices, I will receive and send the US entries. For foreign parcels, I will help organize a round robin and set up so that you can each send to each other, and not have to ship overseas.)
What do I mean by personally altered? Does that you mean you have to be as good as the people over in the official altered art thread? Not at all! What's important is that you personalize your cards. For example, here are just a handful of cards done over the past few years:
As you can see, there is a lot of variation in what people choose to do. Featured is wide range of artistic talent, from doodles to full-blown alters. Just make it fun. In general, if you wouldn't be happy with receiving it from somebody else, you should alter it until you would be.
How to Participate
Participating is easy! Just send me a PM with your address, and I'll send you mine back. All you have to do after that is send me your cards along with appropriate packaging and postage to mail your cards along to the next person. After that, just relax and wait for your return package to make its merry way to you. It's that simple!
All participants must have their cards to me by December 11th, 2018. This means I MUST have the cards in hand by this date, NOT that you should mail it by this date.. They will be redistributed and sent off over the weekend, and hopefully everybody will have theirs by December 25th. Please remember to budget enough time for your cards to arrive. For reference, I live in Virginia, USA.
Brand new accounts are excluded to avoid gaming the system. If you try and game the system to get more presents, I will catch you. Please don't do it. It will just result in a sad face for both of us.
This event is not sponsored or endorsed by Wizards of the Coast in any way. It is purely something done for fun by people who love Magic, and is not for for any financial gain or otherwise.
Tips and Checklist
Over the past three years, previous exchange runners saw a lot of cards come through. Here are some recommendations to help make the holiday exchange fun for everybody!
Try and modify cool cards. They don't necessarily have to be rares, but it's great when somebody can play the cards they receive in a deck and then tell the story of how they received them! If you are on a budget, think an altered playset of playable commons, an EDH staple, or basic lands are great... as long as it's playable it's cool!
Stumped for cards to alter? Try sending cards related to your name, avatar, or signature! That way there's a connection between MTGSalvation and the card's you're altering.
What you receive is random and a gift from someone else to you. Regardless of how you feel about the quality of cards you received, please be grateful. After all, it's a gift!
Part of the fun is ripping open the package when it finally arrives to see what you received. Do not post the alters you did ahead of time - though vague hints can be fun. We don't want to ruin the surprise!
Sending items such as letters, notes, or pictures along with your cards to the other person is not only allowed, but encouraged!
You might want to take a picture of your cards before you send them so that you can still show them off if the recipient has no way to upload an image.
You may submit as few or as many cards as you would like. Take your time and make some great alters!
1. You absolutely must, must, must include a stamped envelope (NOT SELF ADDRESSED) envelope with enough postage for up to a 6 oz package. If you do not include one, I cannot promise you that you will receive any cards back. Make sure this envelope has enough postage to mail the stuff you sent. Again, DO NOT send a self-addressed envelope! You must provide an envelope that will be sufficient to mail your items further out.
2. In the past, a couple of people have sent extra large/heavy items. This is great, and often these items are very cool! However, if you're going to do this, please include an extra envelope that is the appropriate size and/or has the right amount of postage on it. Please do include some real cards as well, that way your recipient can still have something to include in a deck!
3. No proxies/fakes, no matter how cool. Sentiments on these vary across the entire range, but MTGSalvation does not condone this practice. While the gift exchange isn't directly affiliated with the site, let's keep this above the belt for the Holidays. Thanks!
4. If you are an international participant, please tell me in your PM so we can discuss how international shipping will work out best in your case. The US Postal prices have done some crazy things in the last few years, and shipping times may be a concern.
5. Along with your cards and Stamped envelope, please include a slip of paper with your MTGSalvation username. There will be a lot of cards coming in and if I don't know who sent me something I can't really let them know - which I'd like to do
Send me a PM with your address
Check you inbox daily, I'm on all the time and will generally be quick to reply.
Alter cards!
Write your MTGSalvation username on a slip of paper.
Send me your cards, that slip of paper with your MTGSalvation username, and a stamped envelope with enough postage to mail your cards, inside another envelope. Don't forget any of those steps!
Time travel to later in December and check your mail. Enjoy your gift!
My 30th birthday today, finished my 13th EDH deck (Lazav, the Multifarious) and Brees is butchering the Eagles, so what could be a better timing to represent my german/european fellows?
bobthefunny must not find out what nefarious plan I have come up with in conjunction with the Cult of Santa (anagram fun anyone!)to end holiday joy once and for all!
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I had amnesia once, or maybe twice. I don't remember.
bobthefunny must not find out what nefarious plan I have come up with in conjunction with the Cult of Santa (anagram fun anyone!)to end holiday joy once and for all!
Oh gosh, not I'm going to be trying to figure this out for all of next week...
This has been a lot of fun each year that I have participated. I'd like to re-emphasize a point: please make sure you chose a nice, playable card. As silly as Vizzerdrix is, this over-costed vanilla blue dude is not playable, no matter how much you dress him up as Santa. I am not naming names, but I have gotten some really meh cards in the past that are still collecting cob webs in my binder. The card(s) do not necessarily need to be valuable, but at the least playable. You know how stokes I would be if I got a Sign in Blood that is pimped out.
Also (luckily I haven't seen this), please do not decorate HP or damaged cards. All the gorgeous artwork isn't going to make up for a crease from being bent in half or cover up the hole marks when your dog bit your Lightning Bolt.
Please do not cover up the text box w/ art or anything else. We will have seasoned players as well as the novice players (possibly) participating. Most of us know how Counterspell or Swords to Plowshares works, but some newer players who might be starting off w/ Standard may not know these cards, no matter how classic they are.
And lastly, this is important too, please takes photos of your cards before sending out because not everyone will post scans of what they got. I made this mistake last year and the lucky geek who got my alters still hasn't posted them (if you are reading this, it's never too late, lol).
Look forward to a lot (I hope) of participants. Let's make this the best Holiday Card Exchange the best one yet!!!
Yipes... oh, well... Looks like I missed the deadline. Been battling a cold for a month now.
I'll just be standing out on the bleachers cheering you guys on as the scans come in.
I was going to knock them all out tonight & mail out tomorrow, but it's too late. I don't remember the deadline being so early in the month. I thought the deadline was usually around the 20th in the past.
There have been a couple of people (Stoogeslap, Aquila Noctis, both of whom I've received incredible holiday cards from in the past) who have not been able to meet the deadline... I know it would mean not getting the cards in time for Christmas, but I'm in favor of extending the deadline to increase participation.
While I certainly hope to get my cards ASAP, all the more so since I went to quite some effort to get them done before the deadline, it's only fair that everyone who signed up gets to participate.
Well, I am playing it safe. I am mailing them out today. If I miss the whole thing, then happy holidays Bob, you can keep them as a thank you for hosting.
Have a good rest of the holidays to all & happy New Year!
Based on our relative geography I should be getting my cards by the 24th. I don't know where the person who I sent to lives, however, but I'm excited to see reactions. I think I sent some fun stuff.
Elemental- I tried posting from my phone first, but it wouldn't let me for some reason so I had to wait until I was on my laptop. My phone post said, "These two guys..." but I left out the "two" on the laptop post! I might try to play Providence in an EDH deck now just for the challenge of it!
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I had amnesia once, or maybe twice. I don't remember.
Haven't really heard much from BobtheFunny for when he is sending out all of the cards. Am also curious if my submission has been included.
Bob, if you're out there, can you send Eagle Command a signal...
Sorry about that Stoogeslap! For some reason I wasn't getting notifications on this thread. - I also thought I'd responded to your first message earlier. I am so sorry!
I haven't received yours yet, but seeing as they went out late, and how crazy the mail is this time of year, that's to be expected.
Due to some... complications... with the mail system, there is in fact a packet of cards waiting for you, so as soon as yours arrive, you will be included!
Please send me a PM with your address, just to verify though.
thank you very much for the wonderful alters. i have already put some in my edh decks. i am always amazed to see the creativity people have when doing their cards. that is one of the most exciting things. thank you again bobthefunny and grant1.
As always, exchange entries MUST be in to me by the deadline: December 11, 2018.
For 2017, the MTGSalvation Holiday Magic Card Exchange returns for its ELEVENTH year!
2007, 2008, 2009 , 2010.,2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017!
Here is an introduction for those of you new to this - or - a refresher for the old timers:
The premise is simple. First, MTGSalvation members from all over the world* send me personally altered cards. Then, as Christmas approaches, I randomly send their cards to someone else who participated. It's a fun gift exchange that's always a blast.
(*As of recent years, due to shipping prices, I will receive and send the US entries. For foreign parcels, I will help organize a round robin and set up so that you can each send to each other, and not have to ship overseas.)
What do I mean by personally altered? Does that you mean you have to be as good as the people over in the official altered art thread? Not at all! What's important is that you personalize your cards. For example, here are just a handful of cards done over the past few years:
As you can see, there is a lot of variation in what people choose to do. Featured is wide range of artistic talent, from doodles to full-blown alters. Just make it fun. In general, if you wouldn't be happy with receiving it from somebody else, you should alter it until you would be.
Participating is easy! Just send me a PM with your address, and I'll send you mine back. All you have to do after that is send me your cards along with appropriate packaging and postage to mail your cards along to the next person. After that, just relax and wait for your return package to make its merry way to you. It's that simple!
All participants must have their cards to me by December 11th, 2018. This means I MUST have the cards in hand by this date, NOT that you should mail it by this date.. They will be redistributed and sent off over the weekend, and hopefully everybody will have theirs by December 25th. Please remember to budget enough time for your cards to arrive. For reference, I live in Virginia, USA.
Brand new accounts are excluded to avoid gaming the system. If you try and game the system to get more presents, I will catch you. Please don't do it. It will just result in a sad face for both of us.
This event is not sponsored or endorsed by Wizards of the Coast in any way. It is purely something done for fun by people who love Magic, and is not for for any financial gain or otherwise.
Over the past three years, previous exchange runners saw a lot of cards come through. Here are some recommendations to help make the holiday exchange fun for everybody!
1. You absolutely must, must, must include a stamped envelope (NOT SELF ADDRESSED) envelope with enough postage for up to a 6 oz package. If you do not include one, I cannot promise you that you will receive any cards back. Make sure this envelope has enough postage to mail the stuff you sent. Again, DO NOT send a self-addressed envelope! You must provide an envelope that will be sufficient to mail your items further out.
2. In the past, a couple of people have sent extra large/heavy items. This is great, and often these items are very cool! However, if you're going to do this, please include an extra envelope that is the appropriate size and/or has the right amount of postage on it. Please do include some real cards as well, that way your recipient can still have something to include in a deck!
3. No proxies/fakes, no matter how cool. Sentiments on these vary across the entire range, but MTGSalvation does not condone this practice. While the gift exchange isn't directly affiliated with the site, let's keep this above the belt for the Holidays. Thanks!
4. If you are an international participant, please tell me in your PM so we can discuss how international shipping will work out best in your case. The US Postal prices have done some crazy things in the last few years, and shipping times may be a concern.
5. Along with your cards and Stamped envelope, please include a slip of paper with your MTGSalvation username. There will be a lot of cards coming in and if I don't know who sent me something I can't really let them know - which I'd like to do
Please post below.
Myself! (obviously)
Slavan K. Guiser
Mohawkdan 2.0
==EU People==
Retired EDH - Tibor and Lumia | [PR]Nemata |Ramirez dePietro | [C]Edric | Riku | Jenara | Lazav | Heliod | Daxos | Roon | Kozilek
Proud Owner of:
Extremeicon's Hamster-balled soul
Istanbul's Soul, Bidder of Myself
votan's Linux-loving Soul
grappler12's Poop-smithing Soul
Sir Blakely's Fencing Soul
CraZedMiKe's Soul Transferred Back at His Request
HAWKEYE 7's Calvin and Hobbes Loving Soul
Tanthalas' Greek Alliance Soul
Avatar of Kokusho's Island-Hating Soul
Salubrious' Rather-Belatedly Added Soul
DCI Advanced Organizer
Retired EDH - Tibor and Lumia | [PR]Nemata |Ramirez dePietro | [C]Edric | Riku | Jenara | Lazav | Heliod | Daxos | Roon | Kozilek
Oh gosh, not I'm going to be trying to figure this out for all of next week...
Retired EDH - Tibor and Lumia | [PR]Nemata |Ramirez dePietro | [C]Edric | Riku | Jenara | Lazav | Heliod | Daxos | Roon | Kozilek
This has been a lot of fun each year that I have participated. I'd like to re-emphasize a point: please make sure you chose a nice, playable card. As silly as Vizzerdrix is, this over-costed vanilla blue dude is not playable, no matter how much you dress him up as Santa. I am not naming names, but I have gotten some really meh cards in the past that are still collecting cob webs in my binder. The card(s) do not necessarily need to be valuable, but at the least playable. You know how stokes I would be if I got a Sign in Blood that is pimped out.
Also (luckily I haven't seen this), please do not decorate HP or damaged cards. All the gorgeous artwork isn't going to make up for a crease from being bent in half or cover up the hole marks when your dog bit your Lightning Bolt.
Please do not cover up the text box w/ art or anything else. We will have seasoned players as well as the novice players (possibly) participating. Most of us know how Counterspell or Swords to Plowshares works, but some newer players who might be starting off w/ Standard may not know these cards, no matter how classic they are.
And lastly, this is important too, please takes photos of your cards before sending out because not everyone will post scans of what they got. I made this mistake last year and the lucky geek who got my alters still hasn't posted them (if you are reading this, it's never too late, lol).
Look forward to a lot (I hope) of participants. Let's make this the best Holiday Card Exchange the best one yet!!!
Proud Owner of:
Extremeicon's Hamster-balled soul
Istanbul's Soul, Bidder of Myself
votan's Linux-loving Soul
grappler12's Poop-smithing Soul
Sir Blakely's Fencing Soul
CraZedMiKe's Soul Transferred Back at His Request
HAWKEYE 7's Calvin and Hobbes Loving Soul
Tanthalas' Greek Alliance Soul
Avatar of Kokusho's Island-Hating Soul
Salubrious' Rather-Belatedly Added Soul
DCI Advanced Organizer
I̟̥͍̠ͅn̩͉̣͍̬͚ͅ ̬̬͖t̯̹̞̺͖͓̯̤h̘͍̬e͙̯͈̖̼̮ ̭̬f̺̲̲̪i͙͉̟̩̰r̪̝͚͈̝̥͍̝̲s̼̻͇̘̳͔ͅt̲̺̳̗̜̪̙ ̳̺̥̻͚̗ͅm̜̜̟̰͈͓͎͇o̝̖̮̝͇m̯̻̞̼̫̗͓̤e̩̯̬̮̩n͎̱̪̲̹͖t͇̖s̰̮ͅ,̤̲͙̻̭̻̯̹̰ ̖t̫̙̺̯͖͚̯ͅh͙̯̦̳̗̰̟e͖̪͉̼̯ ̪͕g̞̣͔a̗̦t̬̬͓͙̫̖̭̻e̩̻̯ ̜̖̦̖̤̭͙̬t̞̹̥̪͎͉ͅo͕͚͍͇̲͇͓̺ ̭̬͙͈̣̻t͈͍͙͓̫̖͙̩h̪̬̖̙e̗͈ ̗̬̟̞̺̤͉̯ͅa̦̯͚̙̜̮f͉͙̲̣̞̼t̪̤̞̣͚e̲͉̳̥r͇̪̙͚͓l̥̞̞͎̹̯̹ͅi͓̬f̮̥̬̞͈ͅe͎ ̟̩̤̳̠̯̩̯o̮̘̲p̟͚̣̞͉͓e͍̩̣n͔̼͕͚̜e̬̱d̼̘͎̖̹͍̮̠,͖̺̭̱̮ ̣̲͖̬̪̭̥a̪͚n̟̲̝̤̤̞̗d̘̱̗͇̮͕̳͕͔ ͖̞͉͎t̹̙͎h̰̱͉̗e̪̞̱̝̹̩ͅ ̠̱̩̭̦p̯̙e͓o̳͚̰̯̺̱̰͔̘p̬͎̱̣̼̩͇l̗̟̖͚̠e̱͉͔̱̦̬̟̙ ̖͚̪͔̼̦w̺̖̤̱e͖̗̻̦͓̖̘̜r̭̥e͔̹̫̱͕̦̰͕ ̗͔̠p̠̗͍͍̱̳̠r̰͔͎̰o͉̥͓̰͚̥s̟͚̹̱͔̣t͉̙̳̖͖̪̮r̥̘̥͙̹a͉̟̫̟̳̠̟̭t͈̜̰͈͎e̞̣̭̲̬ ͚̗̯̟͙i͍͖̰̘̦͖͉ṇ̮̻̯̦̲̩͍ ̦̮͚̫̤t͉͖̫͕ͅͅh͙̮̻̘̣̮̼e͕̺ ͙l͕̠͎̰̥i̲͓͉̲g̫̳̟͈͇̖h̠̦̖t͓̯͎̗ ̳̪̘̟̙̩̦o̫̲f̙͔̰̙̠ ̹̪̗͇̯t͖̼̼͉͖̬h̹͇̩e͚̖̺̤͉̹͕̪ ͚͓̭̝̺G͎̗̯̩o̫̯̮̟̮̳̘d̜̲͙̠-̩̳̯̲̗̜P̹̘̥͉̝h͍͈̗̖̝ͅa͍̗̮̼̗r̜̖͇̙̺a̭̺͔̞̳͈o̪̣͓̯̬͙̯̰̗h̖̦͈̥̯͔.͇̣̙̝
I'll just be standing out on the bleachers cheering you guys on as the scans come in.
I was going to knock them all out tonight & mail out tomorrow, but it's too late. I don't remember the deadline being so early in the month. I thought the deadline was usually around the 20th in the past.
I̟̥͍̠ͅn̩͉̣͍̬͚ͅ ̬̬͖t̯̹̞̺͖͓̯̤h̘͍̬e͙̯͈̖̼̮ ̭̬f̺̲̲̪i͙͉̟̩̰r̪̝͚͈̝̥͍̝̲s̼̻͇̘̳͔ͅt̲̺̳̗̜̪̙ ̳̺̥̻͚̗ͅm̜̜̟̰͈͓͎͇o̝̖̮̝͇m̯̻̞̼̫̗͓̤e̩̯̬̮̩n͎̱̪̲̹͖t͇̖s̰̮ͅ,̤̲͙̻̭̻̯̹̰ ̖t̫̙̺̯͖͚̯ͅh͙̯̦̳̗̰̟e͖̪͉̼̯ ̪͕g̞̣͔a̗̦t̬̬͓͙̫̖̭̻e̩̻̯ ̜̖̦̖̤̭͙̬t̞̹̥̪͎͉ͅo͕͚͍͇̲͇͓̺ ̭̬͙͈̣̻t͈͍͙͓̫̖͙̩h̪̬̖̙e̗͈ ̗̬̟̞̺̤͉̯ͅa̦̯͚̙̜̮f͉͙̲̣̞̼t̪̤̞̣͚e̲͉̳̥r͇̪̙͚͓l̥̞̞͎̹̯̹ͅi͓̬f̮̥̬̞͈ͅe͎ ̟̩̤̳̠̯̩̯o̮̘̲p̟͚̣̞͉͓e͍̩̣n͔̼͕͚̜e̬̱d̼̘͎̖̹͍̮̠,͖̺̭̱̮ ̣̲͖̬̪̭̥a̪͚n̟̲̝̤̤̞̗d̘̱̗͇̮͕̳͕͔ ͖̞͉͎t̹̙͎h̰̱͉̗e̪̞̱̝̹̩ͅ ̠̱̩̭̦p̯̙e͓o̳͚̰̯̺̱̰͔̘p̬͎̱̣̼̩͇l̗̟̖͚̠e̱͉͔̱̦̬̟̙ ̖͚̪͔̼̦w̺̖̤̱e͖̗̻̦͓̖̘̜r̭̥e͔̹̫̱͕̦̰͕ ̗͔̠p̠̗͍͍̱̳̠r̰͔͎̰o͉̥͓̰͚̥s̟͚̹̱͔̣t͉̙̳̖͖̪̮r̥̘̥͙̹a͉̟̫̟̳̠̟̭t͈̜̰͈͎e̞̣̭̲̬ ͚̗̯̟͙i͍͖̰̘̦͖͉ṇ̮̻̯̦̲̩͍ ̦̮͚̫̤t͉͖̫͕ͅͅh͙̮̻̘̣̮̼e͕̺ ͙l͕̠͎̰̥i̲͓͉̲g̫̳̟͈͇̖h̠̦̖t͓̯͎̗ ̳̪̘̟̙̩̦o̫̲f̙͔̰̙̠ ̹̪̗͇̯t͖̼̼͉͖̬h̹͇̩e͚̖̺̤͉̹͕̪ ͚͓̭̝̺G͎̗̯̩o̫̯̮̟̮̳̘d̜̲͙̠-̩̳̯̲̗̜P̹̘̥͉̝h͍͈̗̖̝ͅa͍̗̮̼̗r̜̖͇̙̺a̭̺͔̞̳͈o̪̣͓̯̬͙̯̰̗h̖̦͈̥̯͔.͇̣̙̝
Have a good rest of the holidays to all & happy New Year!
I̟̥͍̠ͅn̩͉̣͍̬͚ͅ ̬̬͖t̯̹̞̺͖͓̯̤h̘͍̬e͙̯͈̖̼̮ ̭̬f̺̲̲̪i͙͉̟̩̰r̪̝͚͈̝̥͍̝̲s̼̻͇̘̳͔ͅt̲̺̳̗̜̪̙ ̳̺̥̻͚̗ͅm̜̜̟̰͈͓͎͇o̝̖̮̝͇m̯̻̞̼̫̗͓̤e̩̯̬̮̩n͎̱̪̲̹͖t͇̖s̰̮ͅ,̤̲͙̻̭̻̯̹̰ ̖t̫̙̺̯͖͚̯ͅh͙̯̦̳̗̰̟e͖̪͉̼̯ ̪͕g̞̣͔a̗̦t̬̬͓͙̫̖̭̻e̩̻̯ ̜̖̦̖̤̭͙̬t̞̹̥̪͎͉ͅo͕͚͍͇̲͇͓̺ ̭̬͙͈̣̻t͈͍͙͓̫̖͙̩h̪̬̖̙e̗͈ ̗̬̟̞̺̤͉̯ͅa̦̯͚̙̜̮f͉͙̲̣̞̼t̪̤̞̣͚e̲͉̳̥r͇̪̙͚͓l̥̞̞͎̹̯̹ͅi͓̬f̮̥̬̞͈ͅe͎ ̟̩̤̳̠̯̩̯o̮̘̲p̟͚̣̞͉͓e͍̩̣n͔̼͕͚̜e̬̱d̼̘͎̖̹͍̮̠,͖̺̭̱̮ ̣̲͖̬̪̭̥a̪͚n̟̲̝̤̤̞̗d̘̱̗͇̮͕̳͕͔ ͖̞͉͎t̹̙͎h̰̱͉̗e̪̞̱̝̹̩ͅ ̠̱̩̭̦p̯̙e͓o̳͚̰̯̺̱̰͔̘p̬͎̱̣̼̩͇l̗̟̖͚̠e̱͉͔̱̦̬̟̙ ̖͚̪͔̼̦w̺̖̤̱e͖̗̻̦͓̖̘̜r̭̥e͔̹̫̱͕̦̰͕ ̗͔̠p̠̗͍͍̱̳̠r̰͔͎̰o͉̥͓̰͚̥s̟͚̹̱͔̣t͉̙̳̖͖̪̮r̥̘̥͙̹a͉̟̫̟̳̠̟̭t͈̜̰͈͎e̞̣̭̲̬ ͚̗̯̟͙i͍͖̰̘̦͖͉ṇ̮̻̯̦̲̩͍ ̦̮͚̫̤t͉͖̫͕ͅͅh͙̮̻̘̣̮̼e͕̺ ͙l͕̠͎̰̥i̲͓͉̲g̫̳̟͈͇̖h̠̦̖t͓̯͎̗ ̳̪̘̟̙̩̦o̫̲f̙͔̰̙̠ ̹̪̗͇̯t͖̼̼͉͖̬h̹͇̩e͚̖̺̤͉̹͕̪ ͚͓̭̝̺G͎̗̯̩o̫̯̮̟̮̳̘d̜̲͙̠-̩̳̯̲̗̜P̹̘̥͉̝h͍͈̗̖̝ͅa͍̗̮̼̗r̜̖͇̙̺a̭̺͔̞̳͈o̪̣͓̯̬͙̯̰̗h̖̦͈̥̯͔.͇̣̙̝
Bob, if you're out there, can you send Eagle Command a signal...
Don't play Providence in EDH! Unless you want to play on hard mode!
I haven't received yours yet, but seeing as they went out late, and how crazy the mail is this time of year, that's to be expected.
Due to some... complications... with the mail system, there is in fact a packet of cards waiting for you, so as soon as yours arrive, you will be included!
Please send me a PM with your address, just to verify though.
Retired EDH - Tibor and Lumia | [PR]Nemata |Ramirez dePietro | [C]Edric | Riku | Jenara | Lazav | Heliod | Daxos | Roon | Kozilek