So I had an old account from 2015 called NightCabbage.
When I logged in today it forced to me make a new account using my Twitch account. I tried to enter my old username of NightCabbage and it would not let me.
So now I've had to name myself NightCabbage1, and it seems my old account is completely inaccessible (and my username with it).
That seems like a pretty bad bug in your system... how has everyone else not also lost their old usernames and accounts? Am I missing something?
I too am in a situation similar to Mr. Cabbage. My previous account was "Strivos", but I am not able to use that to access this site anymore. Is there a way to merge that account this this one so I can get back Strivos. If you want to send a confirmation to my email there then I can confirm it.
If there is something else I should do or place to bring this up please let me know.
Apologies for not seeing this earlier.
All old accounts that were never merged with a twitch account are now completely locked out from regular users.
If you follow the below steps, however, Curse/Twitch Customer support can verify you and force-merge these accounts.
It's the only way to get into an old, unmerged, MTGS account at this point.
What can we help you with today?
> Website Assistance
>Your twitch account email
> Account Merge
> Indicate that you need to merge your twitch account with your MTG Salvation account. List both your Twitch account name and your MTG Salvation account name. If your email is not the same for both, please note this and what each one is.
Which website do you need help with?
> MTG Salvation
What can we help you with?
> Account Assistance
> Curse / Twitch Merge
If you have any troubles, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.
I've just granted you a nickname credit which you can use to change your MTGS Nickname. If you need to change your Twitch username, you'll have to go through Twitch to do that. https://vidmateapp.win
I want my original account linked to Twitch (jake556) not this one. How do I go about it. This account can get deleted as soon as I have my old on back.
With the recent news of Twitch being unprofitable despite efforts from Amazon to prop them up just to stay alive made me wonder how this will affect the MTG Salvation forums going forward. They already laid off 500 employees and shutdown their operations in South Korea because they couldn't afford it. How will users on MTG Salvation be able to log in and out of the forums If their Twitch account ceases to exist since MTG Salvation is merged with Twitch? Granted I'm fully aware that MTG Nexus gets more active members than MTG Salvation after the recent split due to how severely fractured the MTG Community is as a whole as well as what went on with the COVID-19 Pandemic 4 years ago.
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Jesus Christ, Who Is God Revealed In The Flesh, Bless America.
"Restriction breeds creativity." - Sheldon Menery on EDH / Commander in Magic: The Gathering
"I'd much rather prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery." - Anonymous
"Most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution." - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
"Every life decision is always a risk / reward proposition." - Sanjay Gupta
For extra info in case an admin can help solve this problem:
When I try to login with twitch (account name tmgexe) it brings up the ‘Yes I have a MTG salvation account’ or ‘I don’t...’ buttons. I click on the Yes, it prompts for mtgs credentials, and if I enter them I get a rejection with red error message ‘you’ve already merged your account, please log in with your twitch account’ (the latter part is a link to the twitch login screen).
When I tried to log in, the ‘Other connections’ segment of my Twitch settings gets updated (MTG Salvation added two minutes ago) - so twitch is seeing the linkup but mtgs still thinks I need to merge. Even if I disconnect that connection from twitch settings, going through the same procedure recreates the connection but I still can’t get past the ‘you need to merge / you have already merged’ loop.
All old accounts that were never merged with a twitch account are now completely locked out from regular users.
If you follow the below steps, however, Curse/Twitch Customer support can verify you and force-merge these accounts.
It's the only way to get into an old, unmerged, MTGS account at this point.
What can we help you with today?
> Website Assistance
>Your twitch account email
> Account Merge
> Indicate that you need to merge your twitch account with your MTG Salvation account. List both your Twitch account name and your MTG Salvation account name. If your email is not the same for both, please note this and what each one is.
Which website do you need help with?
> MTG Salvation
What can we help you with?
> Account Assistance
> Curse / Twitch Merge
If you have any troubles, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.
No longer staff here.
Happy to make a new twitch account to link to it is there anyway to get it back?
"Restriction breeds creativity." - Sheldon Menery on EDH / Commander in Magic: The Gathering
"I'd much rather prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery." - Anonymous
"Most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution." - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
"Every life decision is always a risk / reward proposition." - Sanjay Gupta
Could you solve it?