Welcome to MTG Salvation, a community-based Magic: the Gathering site that is your #1 source for MTG-related rumors on the web! Before posting, please take some time to familiarize yourself with our Forum Rules and Guidelines, as well as the specific rules for any subforums you plan to visit.
The standards for posting on MTG Salvation may differ from what you are accustomed to on other sites. When posting on MTG Salvation, it is important to treat others with the same respect you would wish to receive in real life. If you are considering saying something that would not be appropriate if you were sitting in a public cafeteria, it probably is not appropriate for MTG Salvation.
We have a number of rules, which we urge you to review in full. We enforce these rules and expect all users to abide by them while participating on MTGSalvation. If you see problematic posts, please use the report button () and let the moderators of that section know. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse for breaking them.
The brief version is as follows; for in-depth explanation, follow the links:
Don't spam, make sure your posts are on-topic and constructive.Read more
Be nice and respectful, don't flame or troll other users.Read more
Don't use inappropriate language or post inappropriate content.Read more
Don't discriminate or make people feel unwelcome.Read more
The list below is not intended to be all-inclusive of the offenses that may cause warnings or infractions; the MTGSalvation staff reserves the right to issue warnings and infractions for offenses not listed. If you are at any point unsure about the rules, wonder whether something is okay, or want an exemption from a rule for some reason, please contact a member of the staff, either via PMs, Moderator Helpdesks, or the Staff Inbox.
A spam post is any post that does not contribute an original thought, advance the discussion, or add on-topic content to a thread.
Examples of spam posts include, but are not limited to:
bumping a thread (other than a haves/wants trading list)
discussing a topic that is not relevant to the thread it's posted in
posting excessively short messages such as "thanks", "k", "QFT", "Oh god no", just a single smily, etc.
just posting a single meme image
annoying/unreadable text
aggressive multiposting (posting several posts in a row within a short period of time)
thread necromancy (reviving a long since dead and irrelevant thread)
Sometimes your off-topic joke may be considered spam. It might be funny, but in and of itself it might also be spammy or even disruptive. We welcome jokes, but they are best accompanied by actual relevant content as well.
Flaming is a hostile verbal attack directed at another person or group of people. Trolling is the act of deliberately provoking a hostile reaction from other users. These actions will not be tolerated. Additionally, harassing and flaming someone via PMs may trigger more severe offenses, up to and including a suspension.
The use of discriminatory slurs (such as racist or sexist remarks) or making discriminatory comments, is also expressly prohibited and falls under flaming, whether their use is targeted or not, as it flames a particular group of people regardless. Posts deemed particularly egregious by the staff may result in a suspension or ban regardless of previous warnings.
We do not recognize excuses such as "he flamed me first!"; if you feel attacked by other members, report the post and let moderators handle it rather than flame back. Similarly, if you feel that someone is trolling, just report the post/thread. Calling someone a troll also amounts to flaming/trolling.
The rule of thumb is to criticize the idea, not the person. You may think a deck is bad, and you may say so (though make it constructive), but a deck being bad doesn't make the poster an idiot. Be respectful.
Responding to other people with unwarranted hostility, picking fights and in general being a jerk to other members is also grounds for moderation. Remember, it is everyone's job to be friendly and civilized, and maintain other users' good forum experience. We want people to get along.
Also worth noting is that flaming anyone within the Magic Community (including Wizards employees), whether or not they are a member of MTG Salvation, is a moderatable offense. The Magic community is a close-knit one, and it is reasonable to expect that many will read what is said about them on this site, or made aware of it. Be considerate.
Racist and sexist comments, as well as the use of slurs, are not permitted. Casual use of words such as 'gay', 'retarded' and 'raped' is similarly disallowed, as it is insensitive and offensive. Posts deemed particularly egregious by the staff may result in a suspension or ban regardless of previous warnings.
In addition to the Flaming, Trolling, and Language rulings, your general conduct and full context of your posts is also important. This is a broad rule that ultimately comes down to the principle of "be decent to each other". Before posting anything that may be controversial, think about whether you'd say this to a stranger on the street or at an event, if the answer is no, or you're not sure, then it likely isn't appropriate for this board.
In particular, we will not tolerate any discriminatory, racist, or misogynistic behavior, and such activity can be considered grounds for immediate suspension in cases deemed particularly egregious by staff. If, through the natural course of on-topic discussion, a comment touches on the topics of racism or sexism, be mindful of your words and consider the impact they would have on someone from the affected group before you post them. If someone from that group may be offended or hurt by your comments then it likely isn't appropriate for this board.
This is not intended as a place to debate contentious issues or convince others of your viewpoint. This is a gaming forum, and we want all Magic fans to feel welcome. Posts and comments that hinder this goal are not welcome here, take them elsewhere or perhaps keep them to yourself.
Certain words will be automatically censored by the forum software. Any attempt to 'cheat' a word past the censor, or to clarify what the censored word is, is considered censor evasion. Should the word 'gris' be censored, 'gr*s' would be censor evasion, as would 'g***' and 'gri$'. If you want to curse, just curse. Let the censor handle it. With other words, using the previous example, you should just type out the word "gris".
If there are inoffensive words or parts of words that are censored due to incidental censor splash damage (an example would be the word Scunthorpe, which is the name of an English town), evading may be permitted if you ask a moderator first.
Remember that you can turn of the censor in your preferences by checking the box next to "Show Censored Content".
Bold red and the [mod] tag are reserved for moderator use. Bold red text can easily be misinterpreted as moderator action and thus isn't permitted.
If you quote mod text in a signature, please change the formatting such that it will not be confused with a mod edit. For example, you can change the font color, or you can remove the boldness. Regular red text that isn't bolded is permitted.
Do not delete, edit, or obscure either the bold red text a moderator has edited into a warned or infracted post or the offending portion of that post without permission from a moderator.
The purpose of this rule is to have the moderated post serve as a learning tool for other users, so that they may see what might or might not be allowed. Additionally, it is to have other users see why a particular post was moderated, and not leave them confused as they see a perfectly okay post.
Don't touch the modtext or the part that got you in trouble, the rest is fair game. Sometimes a moderator will edit in < and > to indicate what the issue was. If so, you just need to not touch that. And if you are unsure, you can always just PM a moderator.
Continuous bad grammar, "text speak" or bad spelling in posts will not be tolerated. If English is not your first language and you use some words or grammar out of place, or you occasionally make mistakes don't worry. Only members who consistently make no effort to communicate clearly will get an Infraction.
Furthermore, this is an English forum, and users are expected to use English to communicate. Some non-English words here and there isn't going to be an issue, but conversations in other languages are not allowed. Exceptions exist, but they must be pre-approved by staff.
A site that has given you express permission to hotlink
We HIGHLY suggest that all Rumor Mill posts attach images to the posts using the forums' own software. We have had cases in the past where WoTC's website was down and images were unavailable, and where Photobucket/personal image sites removed high traffic images.
If you are unsure whether a site is considered a photo hosting website, the best thing to do is upload them to MTG Salvation or your own photo hosting website account. Alternatively, you can ask a moderator.
Signatures may include only one non-animated 600x100 or 450x150 block of image(s), not including smilies. Any secondary banners, even if they are in spoiler tags, will be removed. Signature text should be kept to a reasonable size, and not exceed [size=5]. Excessive amounts of text, links, quotes, empty space, colors, etc. should be put inside spoiler tags. Signatures should not be generally distracting in nature. Avatars cannot be larger than 100x100 pixels or 40 kB, and, if animated, must not flash or play at excessive speeds.
Promoting or linking to content on other websites is permissible for purposes of discussion, but not for the purpose of soliciting for financial gain or generating traffic. Official subforum rules may override this rule so long as users abide the local rules for solicitation.
If you wish to buy, sell, or trade cards or other Magic-related items, or to offer your Magic-related services in exchange for money or cards, you should confine those activities to the Trading Post section of the site and follow their guidelines, or contact an administrator.
Gimmick accounts created for the purpose of soliciting will cause all of a user's accounts to be banned.
If you wish to promote your Magic-related website or software, please contact a member of the staff first.
Members are allowed to advertise in their signatures, as long as the formatting is not excessive/aggressive.
Content on MTGSalvation is expected to be "work safe", which is a little more restrictive than a "PG-13" guideline. This includes but is not limited to excessive adult language and sexually explicit content. Posts with content that breaks this guideline will be edited and infracted with the potential to lead to an automatic suspension. This rule applies to writing, images (both attached and linked), videos (embedded and linked), avatars, signatures, custom titles, links to sites with inappropriate material, etc. It is not possible to determine an exhaustive list of what falls under this guideline, so as a general rule do not post content that would not be viewable at work or school. Additionally, if images are found to be of an illegal nature (child pornography, etc.) your account will be automatically banned and you will be reported to the proper authorities.
Promotion of illegal activity, requesting advice about participation in an illegal activity, or assisting in any illegal activity, including but not limited to unlawful drug use, theft, copyright infringement (this includes downloading, reproducing, soliciting copyrighted material being distributed without permission of the copyright holder [such as premium articles and printed Magic: the Gathering proxies (playable cards or tokens) which use any of Wizards of the Coast's graphics or illustrations]) is strictly prohibited. Please note that in the case of premium articles, sharing a decklist for the purposes of discussing is acceptable, but requesting decklists solely available in a premium article is not.
While some activities are not considered illegal everywhere, if something is widely or generally illegal, it is also considered disallowed here, even if it's okay where you live. If you are unsure about what we consider okay or not, please contact a member of the staff.
Abuse of the Report System - Any use of the report system other than to bring problematic posts to the attention of staff will result in moderator action, from warnings to suspension depending on the severity of the case. Don't report a post multiple times, don't use it to convey personal messages, don't use it to question a Moderator's actions (this can be done via Helpdesks or by PMing a member of the Senior Staff).
Aiding & Abetting Evasion of Limited Site Privileges - Do not post content for or from banned/suspended members, and do not assist banned/suspended members in either communicating with or partaking in the forums. Violations will be penalized as determined appropriate by the staff.
Box Mapping - Any posts attempting to create a box map will be infracted and deleted. This includes, but is not limited to:
Gathering detailed box data, sharing of detailed box contents through posting or sharing files hosted offsite, posting box maps, advertising links to offsite resources for boxmapping, or sharing detailed print run information regarding tracks of rares, mythics, or foils.
Information about print runs of commons or uncommons for Limited are accepted.
Proxies (ie Counterfeiting) - Anyone attempting to buy/sell/trade proxies and or reproductions will be automatically suspended from MTG Salvation. People trying to sell counterfeits and/or proxies may be completely banned and reported to Wizards of the Coast and any appropriate US or foreign law enforcement agencies.
Threats - Making any sort of physical or legal threat towards another user, moderator, or the site itself will result in an immediate ban.
If you violate one of our forum rules, you may receive a warning or an infraction. The terms "warning" and "infraction" are used somewhat interchangeably; "infraction" refers to a warning with one or more infraction points associated with it.
Warnings worth zero points are considered rules reminders. Infractions are typically worth 1 active infraction point, but may be worth 2 or more points if the situation warrants.
You will typically receive a warning when you violate a particular rule for the first time. Particularly severe or egregious first offenses may receive one or more points instead of zero. Offenses related to flaming or trolling are commonly automatically infracted rather than warned.
Most warnings and infractions expire 40 days after issuance. When a warning or infraction expires, any points associated with it are no longer considered active and don't count toward suspensions or bans.
Only you or a member of the staff may view your infractions. To see them, click on your username in the upper right corner of your browser window (not on the dropdown menu.) Here is an example (IgnobleHierarch, one of the staff's test monkey accounts):
If you accumulate 3 or more active infraction points, you will be suspended. Additionally, if you already have 3 active infraction points and receive another infraction, you will be suspended again. Certain serious offenses may also result in a suspension without regard to infraction points. Suspended users may only post on the Bad Trader Report forum, and may not use the PM system for any reason other than communicating with MTG Salvation staff members regarding the suspension or completing Trading Post trades that have already been confirmed.
The duration of a suspension will be calculated when the suspension is issued. Suspensions issued earlier than two years before the current suspension are not included in the calculation.
Suspension durations follow this model:
First Suspension: One week
Second Suspension: Three weeks
Third Suspension: Two months
Fourth Suspension: Six months minimum. This may be replaced with a ban if the staff determines a ban is appropriate.
Fifth Suspension: Banned
If you want to appeal your suspension, you can learn about that here.
If your account privileges are limited in any way (suspension from the site, suspension/revocation of Market Street trading privileges, etc.), you are required to abide by those restrictions. Restrictions on any of your accounts apply to all of your accounts (even if the restriction is not being enforced by the forum software on one or more of those accounts.) This precludes the use of an alternate account, having a friend post for you, and any other manner of circumvention of these restrictions. If you are suspended from the site, the only acceptable use of the PM system is to complete confirmed trades, or to discuss your suspension with staff. Any other use of the PM system is a violation of your suspension.
Evasion of any privilege limitation (including posting on an alternate account while suspended) will result in these consequences:
First offense: Suspension (increased to the next applicable level if already suspended). Alternate accounts will be banned.
Second and subsequent offenses: All accounts banned
Certain particularly severe offenses may warrant an immediate, full ban from the forums. If you are banned, you are not allowed to participate in the forums in any way other than appealing your ban. Bans last at least six months. At that point, you may submit an appeal to request that the staff review your ban. You may read more about this here.
Access Masking is a tool that essentially hides a subforum from a user, and will be utilized when a user is determined to be particularly problematic within a specific subforum. Access masks are used when the problem is determined not to be likely to be resolved by infractions and/or suspensions. The user will, however, receive a heads-up prior to the mask in order to have the opportunity to fix the perceived issues.
So, you got a warning or infraction that you disagree with, and you want to do something about it.
What you should do is contact the moderator who issued the warning/infraction either through PM or on that moderator's helpdesk, all of which are located in the Moderator Helpdesks subforum. Present your case in a calm, civilized, and reasonable manner. If you're unsure about something, ask. If you think context was missed, explain it. If you do not get an answer, or you are dissatisfied with the answer, you may appeal to an administrator. However, the administrator's decision is final.
Argue with the moderator in the thread you got the infraction. It is disruptive to the conversation, and will most likely net you further infractions.
Create a Community Discussion thread about it. The Community Discussion forum is for sitewide issues, not for you to campaign for public sympathy because you think your Internet forum rights have been trampled due to an infraction. If you make a thread here it will be locked and just make the mods that much less likely to listen to what you have to say.
Go straight to an admin without giving the moderator a chance. The moderator who issued the warning/infraction should always be your first point of contact. If we (the admins) find out you didn't even try to contact the mod who took action, we're going to direct you back to that mod. By going to the correct mod in the first place you save everybody some time, including yourself.
If you believe you have been wrongly suspended or banned, you may create a thread in the Ban/Suspension Appeal subforum, which only banned or suspended members, as well as staff, can see. Be polite, and make it clear what you are contesting (for example, which individual infractions, if any, and why).
The staff will then consider your appeal and may discuss it with you in the appeal thread, so be sure to check it regularly. Once the staff reaches a decision, that decision is final.
If you were determined to have been justly banned, you may still appeal your status as a banned member. That process is explained below:
If you have been banned, you may appeal your ban in the Ban/Suspension Appeal Forum.
If the appeal is denied, it's a default one year off, with circumstances considered.
After that period, another appeal can be lodged. If this appeal is denied, another one year must pass before another appeal is reviewed, ad nauseam.
At the point that a user can be determined to show an understanding of their reason for being banned & displays a genuine interest in reforming their character, they may be unbanned.
Gimmick evasion of these conditions at any time means that the time until another appeal is reconsidered is reset to one year.
Members who have been guilty of ripping, posting malicious links or other very severe offenses, will under no circumstance be allowed back on MtG Salvation.
Banned Member Policy FAQ:
Q: How does this policy affect previously banned members?
A: The new policy applies to previously banned members as well. Meaning, if they have been banned for a minimum of six months, they may post an appeal for the staff to review.
Q: What if I evaded my ban/suspension in the past?
A: You have the same rights as other banned members in regards to a ban appeal.
Q: Will the community know when a previously banned member has been unbanned?
A: We will only consider appeals submitted by the banned member in question. You can certainly encourage this member to appeal, but we will not review appeals on behalf of other members.
The quick version is: if you've been banned for at least one year, and haven't evaded the ban with a gimmick during that period, you may appeal your ban, which the staff will review. However, if you were banned for ripping or a similarly serious offense, you will never be welcomed back to MTG Salvation.
Welcome to MTG Salvation, a community-based Magic: the Gathering site that is your #1 source for MTG-related rumors on the web! Before posting, please take some time to familiarize yourself with our Forum Rules and Guidelines, as well as the specific rules for any subforums you plan to visit.
The standards for posting on MTG Salvation may differ from what you are accustomed to on other sites. When posting on MTG Salvation, it is important to treat others with the same respect you would wish to receive in real life. If you are considering saying something that would not be appropriate if you were sitting in a public cafeteria, it probably is not appropriate for MTG Salvation.
We have a number of rules, which we urge you to review in full. We enforce these rules and expect all users to abide by them while participating on MTGSalvation. If you see problematic posts, please use the report button (
The brief version is as follows; for in-depth explanation, follow the links:
In-depth Explanation of Individual Rules
About Our Infraction/Suspension System
Appealing Moderator Decisions
Links to Individual Subforum Rules
Small Print
https://twitch.tv/annorax10 (classic retro speedruns & occasional MTGO/MTGA screwaround streams)
https://twitch.tv/SwiftorCasino (yes, my team and I run live dealer games for the baldman using his channel points as chips)
The list below is not intended to be all-inclusive of the offenses that may cause warnings or infractions; the MTGSalvation staff reserves the right to issue warnings and infractions for offenses not listed. If you are at any point unsure about the rules, wonder whether something is okay, or want an exemption from a rule for some reason, please contact a member of the staff, either via PMs, Moderator Helpdesks, or the Staff Inbox.
A spam post is any post that does not contribute an original thought, advance the discussion, or add on-topic content to a thread.
Examples of spam posts include, but are not limited to:
Flaming is a hostile verbal attack directed at another person or group of people. Trolling is the act of deliberately provoking a hostile reaction from other users. These actions will not be tolerated. Additionally, harassing and flaming someone via PMs may trigger more severe offenses, up to and including a suspension.
The use of discriminatory slurs (such as racist or sexist remarks) or making discriminatory comments, is also expressly prohibited and falls under flaming, whether their use is targeted or not, as it flames a particular group of people regardless. Posts deemed particularly egregious by the staff may result in a suspension or ban regardless of previous warnings.
We do not recognize excuses such as "he flamed me first!"; if you feel attacked by other members, report the post and let moderators handle it rather than flame back. Similarly, if you feel that someone is trolling, just report the post/thread. Calling someone a troll also amounts to flaming/trolling.
The rule of thumb is to criticize the idea, not the person. You may think a deck is bad, and you may say so (though make it constructive), but a deck being bad doesn't make the poster an idiot. Be respectful.
Responding to other people with unwarranted hostility, picking fights and in general being a jerk to other members is also grounds for moderation. Remember, it is everyone's job to be friendly and civilized, and maintain other users' good forum experience. We want people to get along.
Also worth noting is that flaming anyone within the Magic Community (including Wizards employees), whether or not they are a member of MTG Salvation, is a moderatable offense. The Magic community is a close-knit one, and it is reasonable to expect that many will read what is said about them on this site, or made aware of it. Be considerate.
Racist and sexist comments, as well as the use of slurs, are not permitted. Casual use of words such as 'gay', 'retarded' and 'raped' is similarly disallowed, as it is insensitive and offensive. Posts deemed particularly egregious by the staff may result in a suspension or ban regardless of previous warnings.
In addition to the Flaming, Trolling, and Language rulings, your general conduct and full context of your posts is also important. This is a broad rule that ultimately comes down to the principle of "be decent to each other". Before posting anything that may be controversial, think about whether you'd say this to a stranger on the street or at an event, if the answer is no, or you're not sure, then it likely isn't appropriate for this board.
In particular, we will not tolerate any discriminatory, racist, or misogynistic behavior, and such activity can be considered grounds for immediate suspension in cases deemed particularly egregious by staff. If, through the natural course of on-topic discussion, a comment touches on the topics of racism or sexism, be mindful of your words and consider the impact they would have on someone from the affected group before you post them. If someone from that group may be offended or hurt by your comments then it likely isn't appropriate for this board.
This is not intended as a place to debate contentious issues or convince others of your viewpoint. This is a gaming forum, and we want all Magic fans to feel welcome. Posts and comments that hinder this goal are not welcome here, take them elsewhere or perhaps keep them to yourself.
Certain words will be automatically censored by the forum software. Any attempt to 'cheat' a word past the censor, or to clarify what the censored word is, is considered censor evasion. Should the word 'gris' be censored, 'gr*s' would be censor evasion, as would 'g***' and 'gri$'. If you want to curse, just curse. Let the censor handle it. With other words, using the previous example, you should just type out the word "gris".
If there are inoffensive words or parts of words that are censored due to incidental censor splash damage (an example would be the word Scunthorpe, which is the name of an English town), evading may be permitted if you ask a moderator first.
Remember that you can turn of the censor in your preferences by checking the box next to "Show Censored Content".
Bold red and the [mod] tag are reserved for moderator use. Bold red text can easily be misinterpreted as moderator action and thus isn't permitted.
If you quote mod text in a signature, please change the formatting such that it will not be confused with a mod edit. For example, you can change the font color, or you can remove the boldness. Regular red text that isn't bolded is permitted.
Do not delete, edit, or obscure either the bold red text a moderator has edited into a warned or infracted post or the offending portion of that post without permission from a moderator.
The purpose of this rule is to have the moderated post serve as a learning tool for other users, so that they may see what might or might not be allowed. Additionally, it is to have other users see why a particular post was moderated, and not leave them confused as they see a perfectly okay post.
Don't touch the modtext or the part that got you in trouble, the rest is fair game. Sometimes a moderator will edit in < and > to indicate what the issue was. If so, you just need to not touch that. And if you are unsure, you can always just PM a moderator.
Continuous bad grammar, "text speak" or bad spelling in posts will not be tolerated. If English is not your first language and you use some words or grammar out of place, or you occasionally make mistakes don't worry. Only members who consistently make no effort to communicate clearly will get an Infraction.
Furthermore, this is an English forum, and users are expected to use English to communicate. Some non-English words here and there isn't going to be an issue, but conversations in other languages are not allowed. Exceptions exist, but they must be pre-approved by staff.
Image leeching is hot linking to an image (using [img] tags) that is NOT hosted on:
If you are unsure whether a site is considered a photo hosting website, the best thing to do is upload them to MTG Salvation or your own photo hosting website account. Alternatively, you can ask a moderator.
Signatures may include only one non-animated 600x100 or 450x150 block of image(s), not including smilies. Any secondary banners, even if they are in spoiler tags, will be removed. Signature text should be kept to a reasonable size, and not exceed [size=5]. Excessive amounts of text, links, quotes, empty space, colors, etc. should be put inside spoiler tags. Signatures should not be generally distracting in nature. Avatars cannot be larger than 100x100 pixels or 40 kB, and, if animated, must not flash or play at excessive speeds.
Promoting or linking to content on other websites is permissible for purposes of discussion, but not for the purpose of soliciting for financial gain or generating traffic. Official subforum rules may override this rule so long as users abide the local rules for solicitation.
If you wish to buy, sell, or trade cards or other Magic-related items, or to offer your Magic-related services in exchange for money or cards, you should confine those activities to the Trading Post section of the site and follow their guidelines, or contact an administrator.
Gimmick accounts created for the purpose of soliciting will cause all of a user's accounts to be banned.
If you wish to promote your Magic-related website or software, please contact a member of the staff first.
Members are allowed to advertise in their signatures, as long as the formatting is not excessive/aggressive.
Content on MTGSalvation is expected to be "work safe", which is a little more restrictive than a "PG-13" guideline. This includes but is not limited to excessive adult language and sexually explicit content. Posts with content that breaks this guideline will be edited and infracted with the potential to lead to an automatic suspension. This rule applies to writing, images (both attached and linked), videos (embedded and linked), avatars, signatures, custom titles, links to sites with inappropriate material, etc. It is not possible to determine an exhaustive list of what falls under this guideline, so as a general rule do not post content that would not be viewable at work or school. Additionally, if images are found to be of an illegal nature (child pornography, etc.) your account will be automatically banned and you will be reported to the proper authorities.
Promotion of illegal activity, requesting advice about participation in an illegal activity, or assisting in any illegal activity, including but not limited to unlawful drug use, theft, copyright infringement (this includes downloading, reproducing, soliciting copyrighted material being distributed without permission of the copyright holder [such as premium articles and printed Magic: the Gathering proxies (playable cards or tokens) which use any of Wizards of the Coast's graphics or illustrations]) is strictly prohibited. Please note that in the case of premium articles, sharing a decklist for the purposes of discussing is acceptable, but requesting decklists solely available in a premium article is not.
While some activities are not considered illegal everywhere, if something is widely or generally illegal, it is also considered disallowed here, even if it's okay where you live. If you are unsure about what we consider okay or not, please contact a member of the staff.
Abuse of the Report System - Any use of the report system other than to bring problematic posts to the attention of staff will result in moderator action, from warnings to suspension depending on the severity of the case. Don't report a post multiple times, don't use it to convey personal messages, don't use it to question a Moderator's actions (this can be done via Helpdesks or by PMing a member of the Senior Staff).
Aiding & Abetting Evasion of Limited Site Privileges - Do not post content for or from banned/suspended members, and do not assist banned/suspended members in either communicating with or partaking in the forums. Violations will be penalized as determined appropriate by the staff.
Box Mapping - Any posts attempting to create a box map will be infracted and deleted. This includes, but is not limited to:
Gathering detailed box data, sharing of detailed box contents through posting or sharing files hosted offsite, posting box maps, advertising links to offsite resources for boxmapping, or sharing detailed print run information regarding tracks of rares, mythics, or foils.
Information about print runs of commons or uncommons for Limited are accepted.
Proxies (ie Counterfeiting) - Anyone attempting to buy/sell/trade proxies and or reproductions will be automatically suspended from MTG Salvation. People trying to sell counterfeits and/or proxies may be completely banned and reported to Wizards of the Coast and any appropriate US or foreign law enforcement agencies.
Threats - Making any sort of physical or legal threat towards another user, moderator, or the site itself will result in an immediate ban.
https://twitch.tv/annorax10 (classic retro speedruns & occasional MTGO/MTGA screwaround streams)
https://twitch.tv/SwiftorCasino (yes, my team and I run live dealer games for the baldman using his channel points as chips)
If you violate one of our forum rules, you may receive a warning or an infraction. The terms "warning" and "infraction" are used somewhat interchangeably; "infraction" refers to a warning with one or more infraction points associated with it.
Warnings worth zero points are considered rules reminders. Infractions are typically worth 1 active infraction point, but may be worth 2 or more points if the situation warrants.
You will typically receive a warning when you violate a particular rule for the first time. Particularly severe or egregious first offenses may receive one or more points instead of zero. Offenses related to flaming or trolling are commonly automatically infracted rather than warned.
Most warnings and infractions expire 40 days after issuance. When a warning or infraction expires, any points associated with it are no longer considered active and don't count toward suspensions or bans.
Only you or a member of the staff may view your infractions. To see them, click on your username in the upper right corner of your browser window (not on the dropdown menu.) Here is an example (IgnobleHierarch, one of the staff's test monkey accounts):
If you accumulate 3 or more active infraction points, you will be suspended. Additionally, if you already have 3 active infraction points and receive another infraction, you will be suspended again. Certain serious offenses may also result in a suspension without regard to infraction points. Suspended users may only post on the Bad Trader Report forum, and may not use the PM system for any reason other than communicating with MTG Salvation staff members regarding the suspension or completing Trading Post trades that have already been confirmed.
The duration of a suspension will be calculated when the suspension is issued. Suspensions issued earlier than two years before the current suspension are not included in the calculation.
Suspension durations follow this model:
If your account privileges are limited in any way (suspension from the site, suspension/revocation of Market Street trading privileges, etc.), you are required to abide by those restrictions. Restrictions on any of your accounts apply to all of your accounts (even if the restriction is not being enforced by the forum software on one or more of those accounts.) This precludes the use of an alternate account, having a friend post for you, and any other manner of circumvention of these restrictions. If you are suspended from the site, the only acceptable use of the PM system is to complete confirmed trades, or to discuss your suspension with staff. Any other use of the PM system is a violation of your suspension.
Evasion of any privilege limitation (including posting on an alternate account while suspended) will result in these consequences:
Certain particularly severe offenses may warrant an immediate, full ban from the forums. If you are banned, you are not allowed to participate in the forums in any way other than appealing your ban. Bans last at least six months. At that point, you may submit an appeal to request that the staff review your ban. You may read more about this here.
Access Masking is a tool that essentially hides a subforum from a user, and will be utilized when a user is determined to be particularly problematic within a specific subforum. Access masks are used when the problem is determined not to be likely to be resolved by infractions and/or suspensions. The user will, however, receive a heads-up prior to the mask in order to have the opportunity to fix the perceived issues.
When an Access Mask is put into place, it will be documented in the Banned and Suspended Users thread.
Access Masks may have a specific duration or be indefinite; the duration is determined by the staff.
Users who have been Access Masked may appeal the Mask using the Ban/Suspension Appeal process.
https://twitch.tv/annorax10 (classic retro speedruns & occasional MTGO/MTGA screwaround streams)
https://twitch.tv/SwiftorCasino (yes, my team and I run live dealer games for the baldman using his channel points as chips)
So, you got a warning or infraction that you disagree with, and you want to do something about it.
What you should do is contact the moderator who issued the warning/infraction either through PM or on that moderator's helpdesk, all of which are located in the Moderator Helpdesks subforum. Present your case in a calm, civilized, and reasonable manner. If you're unsure about something, ask. If you think context was missed, explain it. If you do not get an answer, or you are dissatisfied with the answer, you may appeal to an administrator. However, the administrator's decision is final.
If you believe you have been wrongly suspended or banned, you may create a thread in the Ban/Suspension Appeal subforum, which only banned or suspended members, as well as staff, can see. Be polite, and make it clear what you are contesting (for example, which individual infractions, if any, and why).
The staff will then consider your appeal and may discuss it with you in the appeal thread, so be sure to check it regularly. Once the staff reaches a decision, that decision is final.
If you were determined to have been justly banned, you may still appeal your status as a banned member. That process is explained below:
Banned Member Policy FAQ:
Q: How does this policy affect previously banned members?
A: The new policy applies to previously banned members as well. Meaning, if they have been banned for a minimum of six months, they may post an appeal for the staff to review.
Q: What if I evaded my ban/suspension in the past?
A: You have the same rights as other banned members in regards to a ban appeal.
Q: Will the community know when a previously banned member has been unbanned?
A: Whenever a previously banned user gets unbanned, a post in the "Currently Suspended/Banned Users" thread will explain it.
Q: Can we request members to be unbanned?
A: We will only consider appeals submitted by the banned member in question. You can certainly encourage this member to appeal, but we will not review appeals on behalf of other members.
https://twitch.tv/annorax10 (classic retro speedruns & occasional MTGO/MTGA screwaround streams)
https://twitch.tv/SwiftorCasino (yes, my team and I run live dealer games for the baldman using his channel points as chips)
MTG Salvation
https://twitch.tv/annorax10 (classic retro speedruns & occasional MTGO/MTGA screwaround streams)
https://twitch.tv/SwiftorCasino (yes, my team and I run live dealer games for the baldman using his channel points as chips)
https://twitch.tv/annorax10 (classic retro speedruns & occasional MTGO/MTGA screwaround streams)
https://twitch.tv/SwiftorCasino (yes, my team and I run live dealer games for the baldman using his channel points as chips)