We are introducing a change in the suspension system. First off, we are changing the suspension lengths. Previously, the suspension lengths were:
First Suspension: One week
Second Suspension: Two weeks
Third Suspension: One month
Fourth Suspension: Three months
Fifth Suspension: Six months
Now, they are:
First Suspension: One week
Second Suspension: Two weeks
Third Suspension: Three weeks
Fourth Suspension: One month
Any Suspension after that: One month with a staff review for discretionary ban
Additionally, we have changed the suspensions caused by 3 active infractions to follow this same structure. Until now, suspensions have lasted until the user no longer has 3 active infractions. From now on, those suspensions will follow the same pattern as regular suspensions.
This is because we have determined that the old suspension lengths were unreasonably long, particularly the suspensions issued for 3 active infractions, which were often 30-40 days long. Additionally, we've had technical issues with the old suspension-for-active-infractions system after the software update (for example, suspended users haven't been able to access the appeal subforum, and suspended users have had the ability to thank posts), and this removes that problem. Lastly, the new Ban Appeal policy (described here) has removed the need for particularly extensive suspensions such as the 3-month suspension and the 6-month suspension.
The CI forum & a few of its subforums have been set to only be visible to users who have been registered for 2 weeks AND have at least 10 posts. Mod helpdesks will remain visible.
We've clarified the wording on the section of the Forum Rules concerning the sale/trade of proxies. Under the old rules it was possible to misconstrue that attempting to buy proxies was allowed. This is contrary to our policy and the rules update resolves this potential misinterpretation.
Quote from New Wording »
Proxies (ie Counterfeiting)
Anyone attempting to buy/sell/trade proxies and or reproductions will be automatically banned from MTG Salvation and will be reported to Wizards of the Coast and any appropriate US or foreign law enforcement agencies. There are no exceptions.
Quote from Old Wording »
Proxies (ie Counterfeiting)
Anyone attempting to sell/trade proxies and or reproductions will be automatically banned from MTG Salvation and will be reported to Wizards of the Coast and any appropriate US or foreign law enforcement agencies. There are no exceptions.
Just got to say, you've definitely earned distinction as an MTGS hero
Quote from Stardust »
Because he's the hero MTGS deserves, and the one it needs right now. So we'll global him. Because he can take it. Because he's not just our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. An expired rascal.
Quote from LuckNorris »
ExpiredRascals you sir are a god-like hero.
Quote from Lanxal »
ER is a masterful god who cannot be beaten in any endeavour.
I've stepped down as a Market Street mod. This isn't going to change much - I viewed myself as a temporary mod in there anyway, as I'm not a trader myself, and me being there still was kinda a remnant from earlier this year, when the forum needed some extra hands. But now Galspanic and the rest of the team have things under firm control
Posting on behalf of Banned or Suspended Members
Do not post messages on behalf of banned or suspended members.
With this:
Aiding & Abetting Evasion of Limited Site Privileges
Do not post content for or from banned/suspended members, and do not assist banned/suspended members in either communicating with or partaking in the forums. Violations will be penalized as determined appropriate by the staff.
The purpose of this rule is primarily to prevent suspension evasion. It has been clarified and re-worded, and a note about moderator discretion has been added as well, in order to let moderators issue penalties based on the severity of the offense. It is still listed under "Immediate Suspension Offenses", because it can be considered the baseline penalty.
This rule has been changed slightly. It used to read:
Do not edit or delete a post after a moderator has issued a warning or infraction to that post, without permission from a moderator.
It has been updated to this:
Do not delete, edit, or obscure either the bold red text a moderator has edited into a warned or infracted post or the offending portion of that post without permission from a moderator.
The goal with this change is really to not have to dish out penalties for harmless edits like "thanks!" or "sorry!" or just adding content to a post that has been ticketed. Modtext may not be meddled with, nor the part of the post that got you carded in the first place (since this now serves as a learning tool for other members), but other than that, you'll be good.
Additionally, if a moderator edits in < and >, that indicates what's considered the "offending part" of a post. Using this isn't common practice yet, but you might see it here and there.
Like with Market Street, I've removed myself as a Standard moderator. I agreed to take the reins in the Standard forum last summer despite not being an active poster there myself, in a move I viewed as temporary at the time. I stuck around because you tend to end up caring about the subs you look over, but now I'm realizing that I don't have the time anymore on top of everything else. It's been a fun ride in there
Just got to say, you've definitely earned distinction as an MTGS hero
Quote from Stardust »
Because he's the hero MTGS deserves, and the one it needs right now. So we'll global him. Because he can take it. Because he's not just our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. An expired rascal.
Quote from LuckNorris »
ExpiredRascals you sir are a god-like hero.
Quote from Lanxal »
ER is a masterful god who cannot be beaten in any endeavour.
Just got to say, you've definitely earned distinction as an MTGS hero
Quote from Stardust »
Because he's the hero MTGS deserves, and the one it needs right now. So we'll global him. Because he can take it. Because he's not just our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. An expired rascal.
Quote from LuckNorris »
ExpiredRascals you sir are a god-like hero.
Quote from Lanxal »
ER is a masterful god who cannot be beaten in any endeavour.
Viricide has stepped down from his position as a moderator of Water Cooler Talk. Thank you for your service and contribution to the site, Viricide.
My helpdesk should you need me.
Market Street
Yomako is now a full Market Street staffer, congrats!
Senori has agreed to help us out in Water Cooler Talk and has been brought on the staff as a Moderator. Thanks Sen!
My helpdesk should you need me.
Teia Rabishu is helping us in Water Cooler Talk as well, thanks Teia!
My helpdesk should you need me.
And rounding out the WTC team, Frox has stepped up to the plate. Thanks Frox!
My helpdesk should you need me.
Poppeleseed has stepped down from WCT (but remains a Legacy mod).
The Magic Online General and Online Sanctioned Formats forums have been restructured. The subforum setup is now:
Digital Magic and MTG Software - moderator: Memnarch
--Duels of the Planeswalkers
--Link to Magic Online General
Magic Online General - moderators: Memnarch, the_cardfather
--Other MTGO Formats
--Link to Online MS Cafe
MandersHex has been relieved of her position as a Clans moderator. Manders, thanks for all your contributions to this site!
We are introducing a change in the suspension system. First off, we are changing the suspension lengths. Previously, the suspension lengths were:
This is because we have determined that the old suspension lengths were unreasonably long, particularly the suspensions issued for 3 active infractions, which were often 30-40 days long. Additionally, we've had technical issues with the old suspension-for-active-infractions system after the software update (for example, suspended users haven't been able to access the appeal subforum, and suspended users have had the ability to thank posts), and this removes that problem. Lastly, the new Ban Appeal policy (described here) has removed the need for particularly extensive suspensions such as the 3-month suspension and the 6-month suspension.
Penguinguru911 has been relieved of his position as a Limited moderator due to time issues. Thanks for your work in there, Penguin!
Also, Megiddo has decided to step down from modding Limited. Thanks for running the 8-way draft, among other things!
To replace them, we have Promatim and Pseudofate. And old favorite and a new staffer, let's give them a warm welcome
The CI forum & a few of its subforums have been set to only be visible to users who have been registered for 2 weeks AND have at least 10 posts. Mod helpdesks will remain visible.
We've clarified the wording on the section of the Forum Rules concerning the sale/trade of proxies. Under the old rules it was possible to misconstrue that attempting to buy proxies was allowed. This is contrary to our policy and the rules update resolves this potential misinterpretation.
إن سرقت إسرق جمل
Level 1 Judge
My Cube for use with 6th ed. Rules
I've stepped down as a Market Street mod. This isn't going to change much - I viewed myself as a temporary mod in there anyway, as I'm not a trader myself, and me being there still was kinda a remnant from earlier this year, when the forum needed some extra hands. But now Galspanic and the rest of the team have things under firm control
We are replacing the current wording of the rule:
With this:
The purpose of this rule is primarily to prevent suspension evasion. It has been clarified and re-worded, and a note about moderator discretion has been added as well, in order to let moderators issue penalties based on the severity of the offense. It is still listed under "Immediate Suspension Offenses", because it can be considered the baseline penalty.
Etched Chester has been brought on as a mod of Casual. Welcome!
This rule has been changed slightly. It used to read:
It has been updated to this:
The goal with this change is really to not have to dish out penalties for harmless edits like "thanks!" or "sorry!" or just adding content to a post that has been ticketed. Modtext may not be meddled with, nor the part of the post that got you carded in the first place (since this now serves as a learning tool for other members), but other than that, you'll be good.
Additionally, if a moderator edits in < and >, that indicates what's considered the "offending part" of a post. Using this isn't common practice yet, but you might see it here and there.
Due to unexpected and ongoing time pressure, I'm dropping myself back from administrator to regular moderator, at least for the time being.
Like with Market Street, I've removed myself as a Standard moderator. I agreed to take the reins in the Standard forum last summer despite not being an active poster there myself, in a move I viewed as temporary at the time. I stuck around because you tend to end up caring about the subs you look over, but now I'm realizing that I don't have the time anymore on top of everything else. It's been a fun ride in there
Yukora has returned to the staff as a moderator of Clans. Welcome back!!
Weebo has extended his duties to include the Speakeasy. Thanks Weebo!
إن سرقت إسرق جمل
Level 1 Judge
My Cube for use with 6th ed. Rules
MirrorEntity has stepped down from his position as Clans moderator. Good luck with your studies, ME, and thanks for the work you put into this site!
BlackVise has joined the staff as a moderator of the Vintage forum. Welcome
Gaea's Regent has agreed to return to the staff to watch over Magic Software, Magic Online General, and the Speakeasy. Welcome back!
إن سرقت إسرق جمل
Level 1 Judge
My Cube for use with 6th ed. Rules
mabberman has joined the staff as a Standard moderator. Welcome back, good luck & have fun!
ISBPathfinder has retired from his moderator position. Thanks a lot for your contributions ISB, see you around!