wdlssm has stepped down from the Market Street apprenticeship program due to real life commitments, and hgoalie09 has accepted the offer to take his place. Welcome to the team, hgoalie!
ISBPathfinder has stepped down from moderating Standard - he was only a temporary Standard mod, to help out the rest of the Standard moderating team. Thanks for your time, ISB!
jaycarney has been released from his obligations to the MS Apprenticeship program. Thank you for your time & energy on behalf of the Market Street community, jay!
Introduce Yourself
Stardust has joined the welcome wagon! Cheers, 'dusty
We are pleased to announce one of the most substantial changes to MtG Salvation policy in the site's history; the change to the banned member policy.
Until today, it used to be that if you get banned, you get banned permanently, with no possibility of a return. Not too long ago, we didn't even have an appeal process for banned or suspended members, and members who got banned, deservedly so or not, had two choices: either stay away from MtG Salvation forever, or make gimmick accounts to evade their bans.
However, this site is now quite old, and members who were banned as irresponsible teenagers might now be adults. People mature, people change. In quite a few cases, keeping these members away from the site is doing a disservice to the site and the community. This is something the MtG Salvation staff recognizes, and as such, we are changing our policy regarding banned members. The new policy is as follows:
If a member is banned, that member may appeal his or her ban in the Ban/Suspension Appeal Forum.
If the appeal is denied, it's a default one year off, with circumstances considered.
After that period, another appeal can be lodged. If this appeal is denied, another year must pass before another appeal is reviewed, ad nauseam.
At the point that a user can be determined to show an understanding of their reason for being banned & displays a genuine interest in reforming their character, they will be unbanned under a condition of a 1-year probation.
During this 1-year period, infractions are lengthened to approximately the remaining term of the probation (with the 40-day norm still a minimum; infractions will be set to a length equal to the number of weeks remaining to the probation, rounded up). Any suspension resulting in this time period will result in a return to banned member status.
Gimmick evasion of these conditions at any time means that the time until another appeal is reconsidered increases by one year.
Members who have been guilty of ripping, posting malicious links or other very severe offenses, will under no circumstance be allowed back on MtG Salvation.
New Banned Member Policy FAQ:
Q: How does this policy affect previously banned members?
A: The new policy applies to previously banned members as well. Meaning, if they have been banned for a minimum of one year, they may post an appeal for the staff to review.
Q: What about members who evaded their ban/suspension in the past?
A: These members will have the same rights as other banned members in regards to a ban appeal. Since it historically has been so that the only way for a member to resume activity on MtG Salvation after being banned, is to make a gimmick, and that an appeal process has been practically non-existent, these members will also get a shot at an appeal.
Q: Does this mean we will be overrun with previously banned members?
A: Unlikely. These appeals will be considered carefully, and only those who show signs of reformation and a clear intention and will to come back and be a productive member of the community, are allowed to return.
Q: Will the community know when a previously banned member has been unbanned?
A: Whenever a previously banned user gets unbanned and is put on probation, a post in the "Currently Suspended/Banned Users" thread will explain it.
Q: Can we request members to be unbanned?
A: We will only consider appeals submitted by the banned member in question. You can certainly encourage this member to appeal, but we will not review appeals on behalf of other members.
Additionally, if a member has been banned from MtG Salvation in the past and is currently using a gimmick account, we ask that that member step forward and tell us in the Staff Inbox. If that member does this, he or she will be immediately allowed to appeal, and may, if circumstances dictate it, stay unbanned on the terms of a 1-year probation. However, starting June 1st, 2012, ban evading members will, once again, be banned once uncovered.
Annorax has stepped down from his post of Administrator. On behalf of the entire staff, I would like to thank Annorax for his contributions to these forums and for all the long hour and hard work he has given over the years.
There is no planned replacement for Annorax at this time.
After 6+ years of hard labour, Kijin has decided to call it a day. I would like to thank him on behalf of the staff – always a straight-shooter & always willing to contribute his 2¢. Cheers, Kijin.
GI Joe has stepped down from his position as Market Street moderator. On behalf of the staff: thanks for being an excellent moderator, and best of luck in your future endeavors, GI Joe!
Yukora has stepped down from his position as administrator. We're forever grateful for his countless contributions to the forum over several years. You'll be missed, Yukora!
Suspension Evasion Policy -
According to the MTGS Rules, evading any suspension of privileges is an automatic site-wide ban. Up until now, there was a potential misinterpretation that privilege revocations not specifically listed as examples were outside this rule. We have corrected the wording to better reflect its intended nature - If you evade your suspension in any way you will be banned from MTGSalvation.
If your account is limited in some manner (suspension from the site, suspension/banning of Market Street privileges), you are expected to abide by those restrictions.
If your account is limited in some manner (suspension from the site, suspension/banning of Market Street privileges, Red Zone suspension, etc.), you are required to abide by those restrictions.
For Red Zone sections of MtG Salvation (including the Gutter), there is a Penalty Box system where a single infraction suspends users from those parts of the forum until the infraction expires. This was used as a way to provide incentive for good behavior inside and outside of the Red Zone. However, the staff has removed the 1-infraction Penalty Box rule as a trial, because it appears to no longer be necessary.
wdlssm has stepped down from the Market Street apprenticeship program due to real life commitments, and hgoalie09 has accepted the offer to take his place. Welcome to the team, hgoalie!
& a gracious thank you to Bristol for agreeing to help moderate the Artwork subforums. Cheers, mate!
Pseudofate has decided it's time to pack it in. Thank you for all your contributions to the Limited sub over the last two year, Pseudofate!
ISBPathfinder has stepped down from moderating Standard - he was only a temporary Standard mod, to help out the rest of the Standard moderating team. Thanks for your time, ISB!
Penguinguru917 has been added to the staff as a moderator of Limited. Welcome!
jaycarney has been released from his obligations to the MS Apprenticeship program. Thank you for your time & energy on behalf of the Market Street community, jay!
Introduce Yourself
Stardust has joined the welcome wagon! Cheers, 'dusty
Until today, it used to be that if you get banned, you get banned permanently, with no possibility of a return. Not too long ago, we didn't even have an appeal process for banned or suspended members, and members who got banned, deservedly so or not, had two choices: either stay away from MtG Salvation forever, or make gimmick accounts to evade their bans.
However, this site is now quite old, and members who were banned as irresponsible teenagers might now be adults. People mature, people change. In quite a few cases, keeping these members away from the site is doing a disservice to the site and the community. This is something the MtG Salvation staff recognizes, and as such, we are changing our policy regarding banned members. The new policy is as follows:
Q: How does this policy affect previously banned members?
A: The new policy applies to previously banned members as well. Meaning, if they have been banned for a minimum of one year, they may post an appeal for the staff to review.
Q: What about members who evaded their ban/suspension in the past?
A: These members will have the same rights as other banned members in regards to a ban appeal. Since it historically has been so that the only way for a member to resume activity on MtG Salvation after being banned, is to make a gimmick, and that an appeal process has been practically non-existent, these members will also get a shot at an appeal.
Q: Does this mean we will be overrun with previously banned members?
A: Unlikely. These appeals will be considered carefully, and only those who show signs of reformation and a clear intention and will to come back and be a productive member of the community, are allowed to return.
Q: Will the community know when a previously banned member has been unbanned?
A: Whenever a previously banned user gets unbanned and is put on probation, a post in the "Currently Suspended/Banned Users" thread will explain it.
Q: Can we request members to be unbanned?
A: We will only consider appeals submitted by the banned member in question. You can certainly encourage this member to appeal, but we will not review appeals on behalf of other members.
Additionally, if a member has been banned from MtG Salvation in the past and is currently using a gimmick account, we ask that that member step forward and tell us in the Staff Inbox. If that member does this, he or she will be immediately allowed to appeal, and may, if circumstances dictate it, stay unbanned on the terms of a 1-year probation. However, starting June 1st, 2012, ban evading members will, once again, be banned once uncovered.
The MtG Salvation Staff
We have done some switches to the forums in the "The Game" category:
Annorax has stepped down from his post of Administrator. On behalf of the entire staff, I would like to thank Annorax for his contributions to these forums and for all the long hour and hard work he has given over the years.
There is no planned replacement for Annorax at this time.
After 6+ years of hard labour, Kijin has decided to call it a day. I would like to thank him on behalf of the staff – always a straight-shooter & always willing to contribute his 2¢. Cheers, Kijin.
Caranthir is stepping back from his post in Storyline. Thank you for the time & effort you've given there, Honza!
I'm pleased to welcome ExpiredRascals to the ranks of Global Moderators! Cheers, :ER:!
GI Joe has stepped down from his position as Market Street moderator. On behalf of the staff: thanks for being an excellent moderator, and best of luck in your future endeavors, GI Joe!
Galspanic has been promoted to Administrator. Congratulations, and welcome to the club!
Yukora has stepped down from his position as administrator. We're forever grateful for his countless contributions to the forum over several years. You'll be missed, Yukora!
According to the MTGS Rules, evading any suspension of privileges is an automatic site-wide ban. Up until now, there was a potential misinterpretation that privilege revocations not specifically listed as examples were outside this rule. We have corrected the wording to better reflect its intended nature - If you evade your suspension in any way you will be banned from MTGSalvation.
WUBRGPauper Battle BoxWUBRG ... and why I am not a fan of Wayne Reynolds' Illustrations.
LuckNorris has returned to his position as a Clans and Entertainment Moderator. Welcome back, LN!
Other Official Casual Formats
ISBPathfinder has added OOCF to his roster
( N_S ) has stepped down from his WCT Moderator position. Thanks for all your contributions, N_S!
Misclick has been added to the staff as a Debate moderator. Welcome to the team, Misclick!
For Red Zone sections of MtG Salvation (including the Gutter), there is a Penalty Box system where a single infraction suspends users from those parts of the forum until the infraction expires. This was used as a way to provide incentive for good behavior inside and outside of the Red Zone. However, the staff has removed the 1-infraction Penalty Box rule as a trial, because it appears to no longer be necessary.
Barinellos has been added to the staff as a Storyline moderator. Welcome
Market Street
hgoalie09 has been promoted from Market Street Apprentice to full Market Street Moderator. Congratulations!
Talore has been added to the roster in the Speakeasy. More eyes on the potato, thanks Talore!
Pikachugundam has been added to the Market Street apprenticeship program. Good to have you!
Galspanic has stepped down from his position as administrator and will be a Global Moderator working in Market Street instead.
WUBRGPauper Battle BoxWUBRG ... and why I am not a fan of Wayne Reynolds' Illustrations.
parinoid is donating his services to moderate the busy Standard forums. Thanks p!