The One Ring to Rule Them All

By Card Slinger J Created Nov 25, 2024 Updated Dec 1, 2024
Commander Jank
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Strategy is to use Drafna, Founder of Lat-Nam's first ability to repeatedly bounce The One Ring and recast it multiple times to gain protection from everything until my next turn. I had difficulty finding cards for Mono Blue that would give The One Ring Protection from Black from discard effects that exile from hand while I have Karn, the Great Creator's -2 to get it back from exile. Of course Mirror of Fate was another option despite being a bad one. Utilizing copy effects with Drafna, Founder of Lat-Nam seemed like another interesting option If I have Sakashima of a Thousand Faces out to ignore the legend rule with The One Ring which would also require me to run Mirror Box.

 I can win games on the spot by skipping my own turn with Chronatog / Chronatog Totem. I also tried to add more combos and synergies surrounding The One Ring as well. Went ahead and added Sensei's Divining Top, Soothsaying, and Helm of Awakening to have a wincon with Brain Freeze. Just thought I'd build this deck cause I thought it was hilarious to turn The One Ring into a playable Commander deck where The One Ring is the Commander itself more than Drafna, Founder of Lat-Nam was just TOO GOOD not to pass up. Drafna's not the ring-bearer but then again this deck is to make you feel like you're one without ever The Ring actually tempting you.

The One Ring + Words of Wind / Vedalken Mastermind / Cache Raiders = Soft Lock
The One Ring + Chronatog / Chronatog Totem = Win at the Spot
The One Ring + Mind Over Matter = Infinite Draw


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