Kozilek, the Great Distortion
Oracle Text
When you cast this spell, if you have fewer than seven cards in hand, draw cards equal to the difference.
Discard a card with converted mana cost X: Counter target spell with converted mana cost X.
Card Rulings
1/22/2016 Kozilek’s triggered ability checks to see if you have fewer than seven cards in hand when you cast it. Kozilek is on the stack at this time and not in your hand. If you don’t, the ability won’t trigger at all. If the ability does trigger, it will check again as it tries to resolve. If you have seven or more cards in hand at that time, the ability won’t do anything.
1/22/2016 To activate the last ability, there must be a legal target: a spell on the stack. That target will determine the value of X and the converted mana cost of the card you discard. You can’t activate the ability unless you can match the converted mana cost of a spell on the stack to that of a card in your hand.
1/22/2016 The converted mana cost of a spell doesn’t change, even if it’s been cast using an alternative cost (such as an awaken cost). For example, the converted mana cost of a Sheer Drop (a spell with mana cost ) that’s been cast for its awaken cost of is 3.
1/22/2016 If there’s an in the mana cost of the card you discard, that X is 0. Any in the mana cost of the target spell will have whatever value was determined for it as the spell was cast.
My playgroup hopes to hell this is fake. I play Dredge\Reanimator in EDH - I will gladly run this as a beautiful, disgusting reanimation target. At least until it's banned.
Discarding a card in Dredge to counter an opposing counterspell to me winning the game is pretty good.
Second reminder that in order to discard a card with his ability you have to have a legal target.
To expand further:
Basically distinguishes generic mana cost of x and specific colorless required cost of <>
I am aware that colorless isnt a color but my point was what i said earlier. So yes, colorless requirement is possibe if talking about the required mana to cast some colorless spells.
It feels very sloppily put together, but I'm willing to try it out. Since it does logically work like a 6th color, I prefer to call it grey mana instead of colorless. I really hope there's no drawback on Commander. I predict after Oath of the Gatewatch, this will not be seen again...unless in a Commander game.
I also predict new dual lands producing this. "Wasted Plains, tap for W or <>". Even this will be hard, design-wise, because there is no sub-type.
Again, sloppy. Willing to try. Ready to draft.
I don't think there will be dual lands with these--rather, I think we'll see functional reprints of the lands like Karoo that add <>W, <>B, <>U, <>G, <>R.
I just hope they don't try to make this into some weird sixth color that only works in this set, particularly since the mechanic was given zero support in the first set of the block. I could be totally wrong though man. Thanks, upvoted you for bringing up some valid points.
like can i use <> in a ulamog deck?
if so, sign me up.