Im sorry. I was just joking. I have no clue if Ajani will be in it or not. Idk y i felt like trolling that day but your right it was dumb and immature. Sorry everyone. Will up vote all
Dont get ur hopes up guys. No New Ajani in this set. Sorry
Well firstly, who said we expected a planeswalker card? Ajani is clearly in this story, on Kaladesh, and that's awesome enough for now.
Secondly, how do you know there won't be an Ajani planeswalker this set? According to MaRo, WotC usually leaves 5 card slots per set for Planeswalkers. We have 4, Nissa, Chandra, Saheeli, and Baal. (the Planeswalker intro decks presumably don't count towards the 5 slots, for developmental reasons) So who's to say that Ajani won't be included?
Truthfully, the slot will probably go to Tezzeret for color reasons- he's been UB before, and there's no black planeswalker on this set yet.
But still, it's fun to get excited at the possibility of Ajani.
Thirdly, even though there's not likely to be an Ajani planeswalker this set, there's still Aether Revolt. Perhaps he'll be given a card in the second set, after being mentioned in the first. (just like Tamiyo, Thalia, Tazri, and more)
Fourthly, man, why did you need to be so rude about it? We're all here to get excited about the new set, there's no need to rain on everybody's parade with big authoritative declarations based on incomplete information and premature conclusions, and there's no need to downvote all the excited posts. Makes me glad I upvoted them all.
Calm down, bud.
Well firstly, who said we expected a planeswalker card? Ajani is clearly in this story, on Kaladesh, and that's awesome enough for now.
Secondly, how do you know there won't be an Ajani planeswalker this set? According to MaRo, WotC usually leaves 5 card slots per set for Planeswalkers. We have 4, Nissa, Chandra, Saheeli, and Baal. (the Planeswalker intro decks presumably don't count towards the 5 slots, for developmental reasons) So who's to say that Ajani won't be included?
Truthfully, the slot will probably go to Tezzeret for color reasons- he's been UB before, and there's no black planeswalker on this set yet.
But still, it's fun to get excited at the possibility of Ajani.
Thirdly, even though there's not likely to be an Ajani planeswalker this set, there's still Aether Revolt. Perhaps he'll be given a card in the second set, after being mentioned in the first. (just like Tamiyo, Thalia, Tazri, and more)
Fourthly, man, why did you need to be so rude about it? We're all here to get excited about the new set, there's no need to rain on everybody's parade with big authoritative declarations based on incomplete information and premature conclusions, and there's no need to downvote all the excited posts. Makes me glad I upvoted them all.
Calm down, bud.