I love being me.

Quote from Firefall, on MTGD »
FFS **** Off, nobody wants you there, you agreed not to go back, and have again spurned everyone who you agreed that with.

Really, nobody likes you.

<3 IB.

I love being me. You know.
It really bothers me. This "Firefall" guy was, to be honest, a poster who I really liked, despite the fact that he had just 29 or so posts. And he has turned against me too.
Can I do anything right?

E-drama fails hard.

I mean, this just hits me really hard. I suppose I really couldn't expect anything beyond this; after all I "Trolled PBG". Yeah, well, you know what? I didn't recognize that until later, and then I tried to make amends. What more do you people want from me? Is it the spam? Notice: I have not been spamming lately. Is it the fact that my poetry sucks? Notice: I know. Thank you. Is it the fact that I asked to be banned? Notice:...
Yeah, okay, I can't talk my way out of that corner. But you get what I mean, right? It's kind of sad how much energy some of you are putting into making my life even more of a hell as it already is! For god's sake! My parents are divorced, my mom and I are struggling to scrape by, and pretty much the only thing I can really do in my free time is surfing the forums.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't pour my life's story out like that. I just feel like my trust has been broken, you know? I had this feeling when I got here "Oh, what a nice site". I had my mind changed. Then, when I returned, I had that feeling again, because I had missed this place.
But my trust is broken. MTGS may have some really great people ('Rax, AoK, Les, Sakura, Alacar, to name a few), but I really can't shake the feeling that me being accepted is something that will never happen here. Oh well. I would love to put some kind of last words here, but I really don't have the mental stamina to do so. This takes it out of me.

Your friendly neighborhood psychopath,


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