I talk about myself.

Surging Chaos's real name is Byron.
Surging Chaos is 19 years old.
Surging Chaos is male.
Surging Chaos is just over 6 feet tall.
Surging Chaos has lived in Oregon his entire life and thinks it's an amazing state.
Surging Chaos is going to go back to college in about 4 weeks because he's awesome like that.
Surging Chaos is currently majoring in genetics and working on his transfer degree so he can transfer to either OIT or WOU next year.
Surging Chaos works part time at his local hospital.
Surging Chaos's favorite band is Apocalyptica.
Surging Chaos hardly ever drinks soda.
Surging Chaos likes most food, but is somewhat of a picky eater.
Surging Chaos is probably the only person in his family that tries consciously to eat as healthy as possible.
Surging Chaos is somewhat OCD when it comes to brushing teeth, but he has never had a cavity in his entire life.
Surging Chaos has never broken a single bone in his body.
Surging Chaos has had a few girlfriends through high school and college, but is now currently single.
Surging Chaos can be pretty forgetful and absent-minded from time to time.
Surging Chaos has gone to Crater Lake every year since he was like 6.
Surging Chaos loves really underrated video games that never got their much-needed respect.
Surging Chaos believes that Marina (from Mischief Makers and the person in his current avvy) and Vela (from Jet Force Gemini) are two of the most awesome heroines ever aside from Samus.
Surging Chaos is pretty poor for the most part, but somehow manages to be able to play Magic because of his excellent ability to spot sleeper cards.
Surging Chaos has been playing Magic since Odyssey was just released.
Surging Chaos started playing Magic competitively in late 2003 as Mirrodin was released.
Surging Chaos top 8ed at a JSS when he was just 14 years old with Ponza.
Surging Chaos hates Affinity more than anything else in Magic because it killed his community back then.
Surging Chaos has been lurking at MTG News since early 2004, and lurked for a short time in MTG Salvation before making an account on April 3, 2005.
Surging Chaos sometimes wonders how well-known he his on MTG Salvation after being an active member for over 4 years and with 5,000+ quality posts.
Surging Chaos's favorite colors are red and blue, but he also enjoys playing the other colors as well.
Surging Chaos does not believe that strictly better exists in Magic, but has currently become extremely jaded in arguing it.
Surging Chaos loves designing Magic cards in the CCC forum.
Surging Chaos is addicted as hell to EDH, but also enjoys playing Legacy, Extended, and Standard when Zendikar comes in.

Surging Chaos says everyone else needs to do this.


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