Bant Shaman 2.0

Results are from 2-man queues, 8-man queues, 'Gold' queues and daily/premier events.


Type of match, Games Played, Win %
Gold Queues, 96, 59%
2-man, 43, 72%
8-man, 33, 61%
Daily Event, 79, 57%

These results should probably be mostly used for comparative purposes (e.g. the results so far suggest control decks and quest are the easiest matches, and UGr turboland is the hardest) rather than an overall indicator of how good the deck is.

Ramp (Overall) 51 50
Valakut Ramp 41 41
Eldrazi Ramp 3 1
UGr ramp 3 6
UGb ramp 0 1
Genesis Wave 4 1

Aggro (Overall) 56 30
WW quest 7 3
WW(g) Quest 5 3
WW(u) Quest 1 1
Red Deck Wins 2 2
RW Landfall 5 1
Kudoltha Red 6 4
Elfdrazi 13 9
B(r) Vampires 17 7

Control (overall) 43 18
UB control 32 17
UW control 10 1
Pyromancer 1 0

Mid-range (overall) 1 0
UGr shaman 1 0

Tier 3 (overall) 7 4
MBC 2 0
mono-G tokens 1 2
Other 4 2

Overall 158 102
Overall (tier 1/2)* 151 98
Overall (tier 1)** 103 73

*Tier 1/2 is defined as every deck listed under ramp, aggro, control and mid-range
**Tier 1 is valakut, UW, UB, UGx ramp, Vampires


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