2019 Holiday Exchange!
A New and Exciting Beginning
The End of an Era
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season IV
    4 things:

    1: Should I do promos now or wait later ? I don't know if the trolls are gone for now.
    2. Darius is extremely powerful right now. He's replaced Trynd as my go to top laner. Now before you say ranged champions destroy him, I will say that I've destroyed Lissandra and Quinn easily. Lissandra barely does any damage to me because I rush Hexdrinker and Merc Treads. MS quints are really powerful against Quinn. Easiest matchup I've encountered so far is Riven. Kennen is impossible though.
    3. Poppy jungle is broken. I solo'd dragon at level 1. This shouldn't exist. I think Shaco and Fiddle might be capable of doing it again as well. Will test for proof. What is the chance of me getting invaded at dragon or spotted ?
    4. Jungle Kayle is cancer. This needs to be nerfed so hard. With Nashor's, Runnans and Devourer it becomes so painful to fight against. Her AS is nuts.
    Posted in: Video Games
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season IV
    Has anyone else tried the new jungle ? I find it to be incredibly easy as Nocturne. I did some customs against bots and I managed to do full clear without recalling. I don't get why people are saying it's so hard. Maybe Nocturne is just super strong in the new jungle..
    Posted in: Video Games
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season IV
    Quote from Yagami »
    OMG. I just had the most amazing baron steal. I was Brand. I had the full flat 50 magic penetration. Sorcerer Shoes, Rylais, Liandries, Deathcap and double Dorans Ring. I was 2 levels above everyone. Enemy team was doing Baron so I used Pillar of Flame hitting Jarvan, Lucian and Lee. Then I press R and got a quadra kill in the baron pit barely missing Lucian who somehow escaped with 150 health but I got baron. I did all by myself.

    I'm guessing Jarvan and Lee Sin didn't build any defensive items and the enemy team probably fed so hard. Still, good job!
    They had armor and health but their magic resist was only 83 and building health against Brand isn't the greatest thing to do.. I pierced 50 magic resist with the full 20 from runes, 15 from sorcerer shoes and 15 from liandries.
    At the time their Annie was 7/2/3
    Syndra was 0/12/8
    Jarvan was 3/6/13
    Lucian was 6/5/6
    Lee was 7/5/6

    I was 18/3/8 at the time and the only one really fed on both teams.

    I felt bad for their Syndra because their team was raging at her for feeding me but Lee and Jarvan were the ones who caused me to get fed in the first place. In the early game Jarvan ultimates me. Syndra is trapped inside so I kill both of them inside his ultimate with mine. Couple of minutes later Syndra was on low health and was running from me. Lee was also on low health but runs in the same direction as Syndra. I flash ultmate Lee killing Syndra and Lee in the process. They were always grouping up after the lane phase. What do you think will happen when you decide to group up against an aoe mage who has the highest theoretical damage ultimate in the game.
    Posted in: Video Games
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season IV
    OMG. I just had the most amazing baron steal. I was Brand. I had the full flat 50 magic penetration. Sorcerer Shoes, Rylais, Liandries, Deathcap and double Dorans Ring. I was 2 levels above everyone. Enemy team was doing Baron so I used Pillar of Flame hitting Jarvan, Lucian and Lee. Then I press R and got a quadra kill in the baron pit barely missing Lucian who somehow escaped with 150 health but I got baron. I did all by myself.
    Posted in: Video Games
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season IV
    Sona still isn't worth playing. Everything she can do, Zyra does it in a better fashion.

    You want hard cc ? Well, Zyras is an aoe knockup.

    You want poke ? Zyra's poke snares people and travels through units. Her plants also poke.

    You want heals, shields and speed boosts ? Well, Zyra permaslows people so that won't be necessary.

    You also don't get hard-counterd by aoe comps as Zyra. Sona pretty much has to stay really close to someone for her auras to do anything.
    Posted in: Video Games
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season IV
    Quote from Ravnos »

    I highly disagree that she gates out ANY ADC, personally. Cait hasn't been touched much, aside from a nerf to her base attack speed, in quite awhile. There's going to be spikes in different ADC's use, sure, just like any role, but I really don't think that Cait is the reason they aren't picked.

    Range is a steroid, sure...but if you look at the popular ADC picks right now, they ALL have something to increase their DPS. Cait really doesn't, and it makes her late game worse than most other ADC's, though Corki/Graves and a few others are probably worse.

    People pretty much refuse to play Ashe strictly just because of Cait. Ashe can not win the matchup at all. Same with Quinn. Quinn has really short range and nothing to really compromise for it. Cait fulfills the lane bully role but so do Draven, Graves and MF. The difference is Draven, Graves and MF allow the opponent to interact with them. Cait just says "I'll just right click you with my really high range and poke you from a far with my Q. I'm not going to let you near me because I have higher range than you + traps and even if you get near me I can just knock my self back while slowing you. Oh yeah, my base stats are good enough for me to not get bursted down quickly."

    Cait played perfectly provides no interaction at all. Since the last year or so Riot's been saying there needs to be more counterplay available so something has to be changed.
    Posted in: Video Games
  • posted a message on The Official NBA Thread
    Lebron should go the Suns and they should sign Carmelo or Bosh. That would be the best permiter team in the league. The transition game would be amazing. Bledsoe and Lebron are lockdown defenders. Bledsoe and Dragic are the best backcourt duo in the league. Suns won 48 games without a real star player. They have youth and guys on cheap contracts. With Lebron + Bosh or Carmelo they would win over 60 games and be the favorites to win it all. Phoenix has the cap room to do it too. It's way better situation than going to the Cavs who missed the playoffs in the east or resigning with the Heat who will have no cap space and old players.
    Posted in: Sports
  • posted a message on Streetball, AND1, Hotsauce, The Professor, Bone Collector....anyone here watches/plays streetball?
    I haven't watch that stuff since 2005. They still do that ?
    Posted in: Sports
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season IV
    Her base stats are barely worse than MF (40 fewer health, 3 fewer armor) who is immobile yet she has 100 more range than her and innate self peeling. Cait's health pool, armor and armor per level should be pretty low because of her range and has self peeling. Caits mid game is still better than Trists because she has AD ratios on her Q and R and she can siege towers better than other adcs during mid game.
    But that's just it though, you will never catch her unless your jungler camps bot..against decent Caits anyway. There should be a limit on how safe a champion should be.

    Posted in: Video Games
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season IV
    Wow. I just realized how bad GD is on Riots forum. In the Lucian nerf thread the op said Caits range should also be nerfed. Sometime later I pop into the thread and say "Cait is actually more safe than Lucian and more than any other adcs in general so should get nerfed because she had decent base stats, highest innate range in the game, a self knockback slow and snare that grants vision. There's a fine line between safe and being interactive. Cait is the later. Riot hates interactive champions so she should be nerfed." I get nothing but downvotes with no counter argument.
    Posted in: Video Games
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season IV
    Is there a reason why there is no hybrid penetration item ? Would that make Akali, Jax and Kayle super op ?
    Posted in: Video Games
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season IV
    No they don't.

    Leona is worthless if her team falls behind.
    Zyra's snare travels through units and can hit multiple targets. Morg's can't do that.
    Zyra has good poke skills. Annie, Morg and Leona can't do anything against poke lane.
    Zyra's aoe cc is a knock up which is the best cc in the game because it can't be reduced by tenacity.
    Zyra's plants give her arguably the best brush control in the lane phase. Zyras plants are also extra wards.
    Zyra counters all three of them.
    Posted in: Video Games
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season IV
    Why did people stop playing Zyra ? She still wrecks just about every support. MS Quints + 0/9/21 masteries is amazing on her. I go Sightstone>Frost Queens Claim>Liandry's>Rylais>Twin Shadows. It's incredibly easy to kite with this.
    Posted in: Video Games
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season IV
    I'm hardly playing against Feral Flare junglers. Only 1 in 5 games since the price and requirements increased.
    Posted in: Video Games
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season IV
    This new patch is so amazing. 5-0. Galio, Jinx, MF, Trynd, Zyra. I had a favorable match up in every single one of those game.

    Galio vs Kat
    Jinx + Soraka vs Cait + Blitz
    MF + Blitz vs Ashe + Nami
    Trynd vs Zed
    Zyra + Ezreal vs Pantheon + Heimer kill lane
    Posted in: Video Games
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