2019 Holiday Exchange!
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  • posted a message on Advice to MTGS Staff ITT
    Quote from Yomako
    There are no issues with the way staff and administration are doing their job.

    No room for improvement?


    Posted in: Community Discussion
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season III
    Quote from SacredMesa
    Maybe I'm just reading more into this than there is but it almost like you think Ezreal and Corki require more to play than other ADCs. I would say that is a drastic understatement as many require much more skill than Ezreal and Corki, and many that have escapes, especially when it comes to positioning. ADCs like Ezreal and Corki can often get a free pass for terrible positioning, and frankly if I had a penny for every Ezreal/Corki/etc I've seen escape a blitz grab that would of killed an Ashe/Varus/Draven/Twitch/etc I would prolly be in that top 1% I keep hearing so damn much about.

    As I said I might be reading to much into your comments but realisticly there is so much to playing ADCs that don't have escapes as compared to ones that do, especially ones that get a free flash like Ezreal, that I've gotten to the point I see ADCs like Ezreal/Corki/etc and think "great someone who's riding the easy train."(no pun intended)

    I got into a debate about this the other day. I feel that "simple" carries, like Ashe, are so much harder to play than complicated ones like ez, specifically because the escape skills are so forgiving. If you get out of position on Ashe, you're finished.
    Posted in: Video Games
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season III
    Just jungled Hecarim for the first time. So freaking fun. The last teamfight, they were running from us, I pop E + Shurelya's + ghost then ult them. Glorious!
    Posted in: Video Games
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season III
    Quote from Gath Immortal

    Still need to find someone I can jungle competently. Kayle is a passable jungler but people get trollfingers when they see me play her because it's not the meta.

    I might start working with Nocturne assuming riot doesn't bury him under a bunch of nerfs again, I miss top nocturne so bad sometimes...

    It might just be that she fits my playstyle, but I love Elise jungle. Amazing clear, can finish with full health after only using a few pots, great ganks and mobility, doesn't need a lot of ap to function so you can build tanky. She's quickly becoming my favorite champ. I tend to prefer ap junglers that are capable of carrying too. Eve, Diana.
    Posted in: Video Games
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season II
    I'll test rageblade. Once I commit to a fight I do at least 4 seconds of auto attacking in spider form, so it might be okay. First item is almost always going to be a haunted guise though.
    Posted in: Entertainment Archive
  • posted a message on I'm unbanned.
    Posted in: Introduce Yourself
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season II
    Quote from Umezete
    Its conditional but its better than frozen heart on her which I used to build on her to counter ad.

    No need for hourglass imo on elise, the 100 ap is meh.

    A full elise build for me would be like sorc shoes, iceborn, rylias, abyssal, voidstaff, and a liandry's. I don't bother stacking ap with her because her scaling is meh and her q damage is percent base. Stacking magic pen keeps her from falling off lategame to enemy team getting mr from ruinic bulwark or counterbuilding you.

    If I were to list what stats I find good elise it would be


    any ap I get from items is cool and all but tbh I just want to stack magpen and get full cdr on her. She doesn't need anything else for her damage.

    Quote from Spicay
    My build for top lane Elise has been looking like this post Season 3:

    Sorceror's Shoes -> Haunting Guise -> Abyssal Scepter/Frozen Heart (depending on which I need first) -> Guardian Angel -> Liandry's Torment -> Spirit Visage

    Elise doesn't actually need AP to be insane. All of her damage is from her base amounts and her magic penetration, so you can just build her as tanky as you possibly want while still destroying everyone in lane and still doing well post the laning phase.

    Yeah, I totally understand and agree that she doesn't need ap and that is one of the reasons I love her. However, the primary reason why Hourglass is on my list of possible items is due to it's active and armor. The AP is just a tiny additional boost. It's a situational item and one I only get in the late late game, but it is useful in some games.
    Posted in: Entertainment Archive
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season II
    Quote from Shazbot
    Iceborn Gauntlet on Elise. Yes or no?

    I always go for Liandry's Torment, of course, but Iceborn is such a killer item and I think it adds a lot to her burst while also giving great armor and a aoe slow for teamfights.

    Thinking Liandry's, sorc shoes, Iceborn, Rylais, Abyssal, Hourglass as a general build with no particular order in mind yet.

    Just had my first S3 jungle Elise game and it was awesome. Friends gave me a smiteless blue and I coasted from there. I ended up building Liandry's Torment, sightstone, Iceborn Gauntlet, Abyssal Scepter, Sorc boots.

    It was a close back and forth game, love those.
    Posted in: Entertainment Archive
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season II
    Iceborn Gauntlet on Elise. Yes or no?

    I always go for Liandry's Torment, of course, but Iceborn is such a killer item and I think it adds a lot to her burst while also giving great armor and a aoe slow for teamfights.

    Thinking Liandry's, sorc shoes, Iceborn, Rylais, Abyssal, Hourglass as a general build with no particular order in mind yet.
    Posted in: Entertainment Archive
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season II
    Welcome to League of cleavers

    Black Cleaver is either going to see an increase in cost or a nerf. I love it, but it has to happen. And I'll stick with Olaf. He's strong and pretty fun. Diana as a second.
    Posted in: Entertainment Archive
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season II
    Well, I've been playing a while and I'm finally zoning in on the champions I want to specialize in for a few lanes.

    I'm thinking my ad carry of choice is Corki. The little guy is just too fun while being effective.

    For mid I realized that I enjoy Annie, Kat, Orianna and Morde. All quite different and useful in different situations.

    Top and support are giving me hell as far as choosing a champ. There are too many tops I love and it might be my favorite spot on the map. Elsie is a new favorite for ap top, and I love how much of a bully Yorick is. Those tend to be my two go-to champs at the moment.

    Rumble is interesting to me, but he's difficult to master. Malphite has one of the most enjoyable and gratifying ultimates in the game. Irellia is fun as hell and so is Riven. I also want to be great at Kayle, Jax and Akali, but my attention is too spread out.

    For supports, I have enjoyed Taric, but I seem to run into mana problems in hard match-ups. Nunu is great in many situations and I love Zyra. I want to play Maokai as a support and just try to set up kills and be a meat shield/harass machine.

    Jungle is the one thing I haven't really touched and I play Xin when I'm forced to jungle. Olaf is someone I'm learning for S3 jungle though. Jungle Diana is another one that interests me, but I feel she'll be nerfed due to her power mid lane.
    Posted in: Entertainment Archive
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season II
    Quote from Windreave
    Iceborn Gauntlet or whatever it's called seems overpowered as hell.

    I just tested Yorick, and he's a freaking nightmare with his stacked Muramana and Iceborn Gauntlet. He still has his early-mid game lane presence, but now feel he can be a decent threat on his own in mid-late while still being tanky as hell.
    Posted in: Entertainment Archive
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season II
    I'm curious about jungle Irelia in the new jungle. Her kit is theoretically a strong one for jungling with sustain and strong gank tools, but she simply never gets the farm she needs and her early clear time is slow. In s3, ambient gold is increased + jungle gives better farm as the game progresses + machete helps her early slow clear time.
    Posted in: Entertainment Archive
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season II
    Regarding Nami...

    She is stark naked and still manages to have cleavage.

    Also, an early leak of Karma's reworked art.
    Posted in: Entertainment Archive
  • posted a message on League of Legends Season II
    AP + attack speed is my favorite way to build Teemo. Nashors being the only attack speed I usually get.

    Regarding on-hit effects: I do hope that they improve the effectiveness of them in some way, as it's a very fun way to build Lulu.
    Posted in: Entertainment Archive
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