Overrun Into Top Eight Draft: A Prerelease Tale

The months before a new release are like sailing in tepid waters. The intricacies of the last limited format have been (over)developed, their mystique lost into the murky depths of monotony. Then the new set enters on a tidal wave. All over the world, players hold new cards for the first time. Marveling at the art, analyzing the abilities, feeling the bit of adrenaline that comes with noticing their pool has some power. Knowing they have a chance. While I'm not a romantic person, I have to admit I get caught up in it from time to time.

My glance around the room tells me most players feel the same way. Players normally unimpressed with pages of dual lands get the chance to be excited about Serra Angel again. The guy registering his pool across from me hums and talks to his cards. I can't help but listen in.

"Hello Llanowar Elves, hello Giant Growth. Hello there Overrun, you're going to win me all my games." I pause from registering to flip through my green:


Overrun, the bombiest of bombs. Maybe, just maybe, it will win me all my games too.

Then it did.
Well, not really. That sure would save me some writing though, wouldn't it?
My eyes turn to black, my favorite color from a flavor standpoint:


The Hypnotic Specter tempts me, but only because of the chance of playing it turn two. Overall, the power level is just too low. The bodies are there, but I'm hoping for something better.
I glance over at red, the other removal-heavy color:

My adrenaline level rises at the amount of removal that's here. Then I do a creature count, and the excitement dies a bit. Including green, I count 13 playable creatures, hardly optimal for Overrun. The bad part about Seismic Strike is that, unlike the other amazing red spells, it's completely unsplashable. I probably could have played RG to a successful finish simply due to the power of the removal, but I wanted more beef.
Maybe blue has some goodies:


Woah. Mind Control stands out as a clear bomb, potentially worth splashing for. Air Elemental is exactly what I need as far as creatures go, too. A good potential third color.
Last but not least, white:

This color has everything. Big, evasive creatures. Plenty of removal/tricks. Blinding Mage looks especially nice in conjunction with Overrun, as it can disrupt until the all-in attack for the win. I have my second color.
A cursory glance at artifacts:

I make a mental note to board in the Rod of Ruin against slow decks with a lot of one-toughness creatures. This is wrong. As I am about to learn, Rod is a sealed bomb, and should be run in every build imaginable.

My list: